Michael J. Murdoch

Color scientist specializing in augmented reality, advanced displays, and LED lighting

Mike is an Associate Professor and Director of RIT's Munsell Color Science Laboratory, where he teaches colorimetry, psychophysics, lighting, and imaging. A recipient of a Fulbright U.S. Scholar Award, he spent Fall 2023 in Ghent, Belgium, for collaborative research with K.U. Leuven. 

His recent research focuses on color appearance and visual adaptation in augmented reality (AR), visual effects of temporally dynamic LED lighting, color and visibility in displays, and observer metamerism in lighting and displays. Mike has deep experience with color system modeling and human–centered design for solid state lighting, LCD, and OLED display systems, rooted in industrial work at Kodak Research and Philips Research. 

Mike has served on the Board of Directors of the Inter-Society Color Council (ISCC) and in various roles in support of the Society for Imaging Science and Technology (IS&T). He was the General Chair for the 2017 Color and Imaging Conference (CIC) in Lillehammer, Norway. Mike is also a founding member of Frameless Labs, a multi-disciplinary group focused on AR/VR, and serves on the program committee of the annual Frameless Symposium.


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Munsell Color Science Laboratory

Work experience

Since 2015

Associate Professor

Munsell Color Science Laboratory, College of Science, RIT

Rochester, NY, USA

2008 - 2015

Senior  Research Scientist

Philips Research

Eindhoven, The Netherlands

1997 - 2008

Senior Research Scientist

Eastman Kodak

Rochester, NY, USA


PhD 2013 

Human-Technology Interaction

Eindhoven University of Technology

MS 2006

Computer Science

Rochester Institute of Technology

BS 1997

Chemical Engineering

Cornell University