Research group

Michael Buchhold CV

Principal Investigator

Room 2.09 (Zülpicher Strasse 77a)

email: buchhold at thp dot uni-koeln dot de

Pugazharasu A D

Master student 

Research topic: Majorana circuits and ZX-calculus

email: pugazh at thp dot uni-koeln dot de 

Personal website

Karim Chahine 

PhD student

Research topic: Adaptive feedback for monitored quantum systems 

email: chahine at thp dot uni-koeln dot de 

Tobias Dörstel

Master student

Research topic: Weak ergodicity breaking in non-unitary quantum systems

email: tdoerste at smail dot uni-koeln dot de 

Kai Klocke (much appreciated collaborator)

PhD student at UC Berkeley (group of Joel Moore)

Research topics:
Analytic approaches to monitored quantum circuits -- Majorana wordline picture

Self-organized criticality in driven Rydberg gases

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