
Paved2Paradise – cost-effective and scalable LiDAR simulation by factoring the real world.

PyTorch PointPillars – my minimal PyTorch implementation of the PointPillars model described here.

PyTorch PointNet++ – my minimal PyTorch implementation of the PointNet++ model described here.

AQuaMaM – an autoregressive, quaternion manifold model for rapidly estimating complex SO(3) distributions.

PyTorch implicit-PDFmy minimal PyTorch implementations of the implicit-PDF model described here.

PyTorch NeRF and pixelNeRFmy minimal PyTorch implementations of NeRF (as described here) and pixelNeRF (as described here).

PyTorch VQ-VAEmy minimal PyTorch implementation of the VQ-VAE model described here.

Boformera look-ahead multi-entity Transformer for jointly modeling coordinated agents in different sports.

DEformer – an order-agnostic distribution estimating Transformer.

PyTorch NADE – my PyTorch implementations of NADE (as described here) and order-agnostic NADE (as described here).

baller2vec++ – a look-ahead multi-entity Transformer for modeling coordinated agents.

baller2vec – a multi-entity Transformer for multi-agent spatiotemporal modeling.

PyTorch Geodesic Loss – implements a criterion for computing the distance between rotation matrices as described here and here.

PyTorch Volume Rotator – applies explicit 3D transformations to feature volumes in PyTorch.

BigGAN-AM – improves the sample diversity of BigGAN and synthesizes Places365 images using the BigGAN generator.

Strike (With) A Pose – a simple GUI application for generating adversarial poses of objects.

Apache Solr (contributor) – I implemented the RankNet scoring model as described here (Jira).

Learning To Name Colors With Word Embeddings – an improved version of the color name model described here.

RankNet and LambdaRank – my (slightly modified) Keras implementation of RankNet (as described here) and PyTorch implementation of LambdaRank (as described here).

Recurrent Convolutional Neural Network Text Classifier – my (slightly modified) Keras implementation of the Recurrent Convolutional Neural Network (RCNN) described here.

scikit-learn (contributor) – I implemented the Complement Naive Bayes classifier described here (pull request).

Sequences With Sentences – a convolutional recurrent neural network that can handle data sequences containing a mixture of fixed size and variable size (e.g., text) inputs at each time step.

(batter|pitcher)2vec – a model inspired by word2vec (hence the name) that learns distributed representations of MLB players.

Deep Semantic Similarity Model – my Keras implementation of the Deep Semantic Similarity Model (DSSM)/Convolutional Latent Semantic Model (CLSM) described here.

LociSelect – a simulated annealing algorithm for selecting loci (locations in DNA) from the output of a high-throughput DNA sequencer for use in genetic analyses.

ARTificial Intelligence – a simple convolutional neural network that attempts to identify the movements and artists of visual art. 

Hangouts NLP – a program that performs a number of different natural language processing analyses on instant messaging data.

Sexy Time Markov Model – a Markov model for simulating sex!

Football-o-Genetics – an application for "evolving" near-optimal offensive play calling strategies.

Social Networks in American Football – a social network analysis of coaches and teams in college and professional football. This was my final project for Social Network Analysis, a free course I took through Coursera.

ScatterPlot3D – an application for visualizing and exploring three-dimensional scatter plot data.

CyanogenMod – I developed an option that allows users to keep the status bar visible during “Expanded desktop” mode (pull requests: 1a and 1b).