(Photo by Amy Dixon)

Michael Zshornack

Contact Information

Department of Mathematics

University of California, Santa Barbara

Santa Barbara, CA 93106

Office: South Hall 6431K

Email: [lastname]@math.ucsb.edu

About me

I am a fifth-year Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Mathematics at UC Santa Barbara working with Darren Long. Starting this fall, I'll be an RTG Postdoctoral Fellow at Northwestern University.

I study low-dimensional topology and geometric group theory, and the interactions between these fields and number theory. I am particularly interested in arithmetic aspects of discrete subgroups of Lie groups and Anosov representations. For more information on my work, click on the research tab above. I am also co-organizing the UCSB Graduate Topology seminar. If you are interested in speaking in it, please contact me or Leslie Mavrakis.