Taylor is tortured and locked in a cell with several other glows who have defied Hatch. Michael and Ostin break into their cell but are immediately captured, as are Jack and Wade. Hatch offers Michael safe passage for his friends and mother in return for his loyalty, but when Michael learns that he will have to electrocute Wade, he rebels. Hatch locks Michael in cell 25, where he is tortured by Tara, who makes him feel constant fear. However, his powers continue to increase daily.

Meanwhile, Taylor has been taken captive from her cheerleading practice by Nichelle and a few Elgen guards. She is transported to the Elgen Academy, where she finds out that she has an identical twin named Tara. She also learns that all of the students at the school have unique electrical abilities, and that Dr. Hatch classifies them as Glows. Taylor soon discovers the dark side of Dr. Hatch, as he likes to manipulate the teenagers into using their powers in bad ways. When Taylor refuses to obey, she is tortured by Nichelle and sent to Purgatory, a small cell in the basement with three other rebellious Glows: Ian, McKenna, and Abigail.

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Michael makes a deal with Jack and Wade, who agree to drive Michael and Ostin to Pasadena to rescue Mrs. Vey and Taylor. When they arrive, Michael and the others try unsuccessfully to free Taylor, but are ultimately captured by the Elgen guards. Dr. Hatch interrogates Michael, then offers to let him join the school. To prove his loyalty, Michael is told he needs to shock and kill Wade. He refuses, and is sent to Cell 25 to be tortured. After 26 days, Michael is released from Cell 25 and brought before Dr. Hatch again, along with Ostin and Taylor. As part of his manipulation of Michael, Dr. Hatch leaves Zeus to kill Ostin and Taylor. Michael taunts Zeus into releasing a large bolt of lightning, which Michael sends back at him, knocking him out. In the end, Ostin and Taylor survive the blast from Zeus and Michael Vey. Taylor searches Zeus's memories and finds that Dr. Hatch manipulated him into believing that he killed his family. Zeus joins the Electroclan, and they break Ian, McKenna, and Abigail out of their cell. A lengthy battle ensues between the Electroclan and the Elgen, Dr. Hatch, and the other Glows. Michael and the Electroclan take over the control room and releases the human captives kept in the school (including Jack and Wade), who then overpower the remaining guards. Nichelle nearly defeats the Electroclan by draining their electricity, but Michael manages to overwhelm her. Dr. Hatch escapes from Elgen Academy in a helicopter with most of the other Glows.

Meanwhile Taylor Ridley, another 'glow' and a friend of Michael's who had also been taken by the Elgen, is being shipped forcibly to The Academy by Nichelle and two elgen guards. Upon arrival she goes through a routine physical examination, and is then sent to a cell. Shortly after, she meets the seemingly friendly Dr. C. James Hatch, along with her long lost identical twin sister, Tara. She is then moved to an Academy Suite, and showered with expensive gifts. She meets the rest of the Elgen Academy resident glows, Quentin, Kylee, Bryan, Grace, and Zeus. However, Taylor soon finds out that everything at The Academy is not what it seems, and the dream of the enchanting gourmet meals and diamond jewlery soon turns into a horrific, torturous nightmare.

After the woman disobeyed Hart's final command, the officer grabbed her forcibly by the arm and pulled her towards an open detention cell, prosecutors said. At the entrance of the cell, the detainee attempted to use both hands to grasp the sides of the doorway, regain her balance and request that she have another opportunity to be photographed.

"- Chicago Examiner.com"

""Michael Vey" is fantastic. I simply couldn't put it down. I believe "Michael Vey" is every bit as good as "Twilight "or "Harry Potter"." - Glenn Beck, #1 bestselling author, media personality

""Michael Vey" is one of the most original thrillers I've come across in years. It's rare that a book can appeal to a young adult just as much as their parents-but Evans has pulled it off." - Vince Flynn, #1 New York Times bestselling author

"Evans (The Christmas Box) enters the YA market with this fast-paced... tale of a teenager with superpowers and the conspiracy that created him... Evans delivers a pair of believable lead characters--Taylor has wits and personal integrity, while Michael's Tourette's syndrome, coupled with an emotional jolt from his past, adds dimension." -"Publishers Weekly", August, 2011

"Michael Vey: Prisoner of Cell 25", ""by Richard Paul Evans, is one of those books that you'd better give yourself time to read because once you begin, you won't stop! Michael Vey goes to high school in Idaho where he's keeping a secret. He has strange electric powers and soon discovers there's another girl who has similar powers. When both the girl and his mom are kidnapped, the action accelerates! There are more books planned in this series."Newton Book News"

"My kind of book-- fast, funny, and strange. Once Michael's astounding powers are revealed, the shocks keep coming chapter after chapter." - R.L. Stine, #1 bestselling author of Goosebumps

Evans, Richard Paul Michael Vey: The Prisoner of Cell 25 2011. 336pp. $17.99 hc. Simon Pulse (Simon & Schuster). 978-1-4516-5650-3. Grade 7 & up Like Richard Evans' adult novels, this title has a message of hope and love. However, this book also has pure adventure, science fiction, and creepy bad guys. Michael Vey has been hiding a secret all his life: he has a superpower. Sixteen other children born in the same hospital at the same time also exhibit unusual electromagnetic powers. Michael and Taylor are the only ones who haven't been collected by the evil, power hungry men. With some help from others, Michael and Taylor free the prisoners of the twisted Elgin Academy where they are held. The book ends with Michael, Taylor, and their new friends banding together to rescue Michael's mother, setting the scenario for a sequel. Although the book starts out rather slowly, the pace picked up. Readers will be looking forward to the next book in the series. Kyla M Johnson, Librarian, Farmington (New Mexico) High School [Editor's Note: Available in e-book format.] Recommended Library Media Connection, Jan/Feb 2012

EVANS, Richard Paul. Michael Vey: The Prisoner of Cell 25. 336p. S & S/Pulse/Mercury Ink. 2011. Tr $17.99. ISBN 978-1-4516-6183-5; ebook $9.99. ISBN 978-1-4516-5822-4. LC number unavailable. Gr 5-9-Michael Vey, 14, has problems. Not only does he suffer from Tourette's syndrome, but he also has electricity coursing through his body. He can shock people without rubbing his feet on the carpet; he can jump-start his mother's car by holding the battery connectors and "surging," and he can knock bullies who attack him off their feet. Michael and his mother have moved to Idaho because there was an "incident" in his former town, and now he discovers that the prettiest girl in his new school has powers, too. Taylor can read people's minds. Ostin, Michael's best friend, doesn't have powers, but he is wicked smart and helps them to figure out that there is more to the mystery than the fact that they were born in the same hospital within days of each other. Soon there is a terrifying adventure afoot when they are captured and introduced to others with powers who, under the lead of the sinister Hitch, have kidnapped Michael's mother and have evil plans for the world. The dialogue and interactions among the teens seem more like they belong in the 1950s rather than today, but the fast-paced action and cool powers will probably outweigh any negatives.-Jake Pettit, Thompson Valley High School, Loveland, CO SLJ, November 2011

Michael Vey: The Prisoner of Cell 25 by Richard Paul Evans Reviewed by John M. Wills Released: August 9, 2011 Publisher: Simon Pulse (336 pages) ." . . my 13-year-old grandson picked it up and began reading the first chapter after I had put it down. He remarked, "Papa, hurry up and finish reading this, I want to see where this story goes." I already know where this is all going: "Michael Vey: The Prisoner of Cell 25" is going to be another bestseller for Richard Paul Evans. The book is electric." Having read much of Richard Paul Evans's work, I knew to expect a wonderful story; however, I admit I was skeptical about reading a novel geared toward children 12 years old and up. My skepticism disappeared quickly as I began reading about the book's protagonist, Michael Vey. Author Evans has created a character that will entertain both adults and children. I found myself absorbed in the story just several pages in. Michael Vey is, ostensibly, an average teenager, 14 years old, who has the same problems as others in that awkward age group. He finds himself the victim of bullying, mostly due to his facial tics, a result of Tourette's. He doesn't fit in with most kids in school, and the girls avoid him whenever possible. His only friend, Ostin, the class brain--and therefore a nerd to the school jocks--also endures endless bouts of pranks and teasing. The two likeable adolescents form a bond that enables them to endure the constant gauntlet laid down by their classmates. At one point in the story an incident occurs in which Michael discovers he has a secret power--he's electric. Although his mother has known this about her son for some time, Michael is just now discovering his abnormal abilities can be used to his advantage. As the story develops, Mr. Evans creates moral dilemmas that Michael and his friends must face. Questions of ethics and evil versus good become pivotal points and serve to develop a moral comp

5Q 4P M J Evans, Richard Paul. Michael Vey: The Prisoner of Cell-25. Simon Pulse, 2011. 336p. $17.99. 978-1-4516-5650-3. Ninth grade can be brutal, especially if you are an undersized boy dealing with Tourette's syndrome. Add bullies, disingenuous authority figures, a geeky best friend, a loving but financially strapped parent, and you have a relatable protagonist who just happens to have an amazing superpower. Michael Vey can zap people with electricity. With his mother's help, he has been able to keep his "mutation" a secret until the eventful day when popular cheerleader, Taylor, witnesses him defending himself against three tormentors. This event sets into action a chain of discoveries, deceit, and destruction that brings together an unlikely group of young people who must work together to save themselves and others. Throughout these adventures, the author interweaves a plausible scientific explanation for Michael's powers: sixteen years ago, seventeen babies were inadvertently given special abilities. Now, evil powerbrokers want to use these young people to cause international mayhem and gain wealth through extortion. Short chapters with intriguing titles, excellent writing, and engaging characters make this action-packed story a compulsively entertaining read. The tale progresses with altering points of view. Michael tells his story in first-person and Taylor's tale is narrated in third-person. This first book of a planned series has a satisfying conclusion but leaves the reader determined to discover what the next book, Rise of the Electroclan, has in store for our young hero and his friends. Though contemporary and edgy, this book contains no bad language, sex, or gratuitous violence. This is a book Rick Riordan's fans will want to read. VOYA, October 2011 17dc91bb1f

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