Michael Peer, PhD

Data scientist & Neuroscientist

Former Fulbright, Lamas & Zuckerman postdoctoral fellow, 

University of Pennsylvania

I am a data scientist with extensive experience leading neuroscience research projects. This website describes my academic research: for my professional information, see my LinkedIn profile.

My scientific research focused on memory and navigation. I studied how the brain organizes complex information - relations between locations in space, the order of events in time, and connections between people in social networks - and whether coding of these relations relies on shared brain systems. My research combined controlled virtual reality paradigms and ecological real-world knowledge investigations, with application of advanced functional MRI representational analyses to decode the structure of mental models from brain activity patterns.

I finished my Fulbright and Zuckerman postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Pennsylvania, where I have worked with Russell Epstein and studied the building blocks of human spatial memory. Prior to that, I have worked with Shahar Arzy at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Hadassah Medical Center), focusing on the brain basis of disorientation and amnesic disorders and how to diagnose neuropsychiatric disorders using functional brain imaging.

Academic CV 

Google scholar


mpeer at sas.upenn.edu