Digital Design

Adobe Photoshop 


Enhancing emotion with color from Before to After. Each with it's own unique design using multiple image masking, layers and brush strokes leading to a finished portrait of our chosen subjects.

(Before Image)


(Before Image)


(Before Image)



Men's Attire 



I've combined three separate images to create a solid photo that gives a sense of power to the subject without taking away from his composure. Even though the color red is symbolized as Power, purple enhances his highlights and by doing so gives a more Royal status. Combined with cool colors for the background and chair, the eye is brought back to the man in the suit making him our main focal point of interest. 

Balanced Continuity

Ocean Depths 


Both images (TOP) were created from a blank canvas in Photoshop by positioning several images and using different kinds of brush styles along with duplicating areas, creating an illusion that brings out clarity of Shape and Continuity. 


All images were created in Photoshop by combining Photo images and manipulating negative space to enhance each picture. 

Adobe Illustrator 

Local to Global

Created in Illustrator using a variety of shapes, color palates and fonts to

 demonstrate a different approach for showcasing, "Support your local businesses."

Buy Local

Created using Canva and Illustrator, these four advertisements ideas are meant to persuade the audience to learn more about different ways and places to find services while on a budget. 

"Traveling the world to your next adventure. From listening to the ocean waves to giant hikes or simply wanting to escape to the past; your ideal vacation is just a mouse click away. Click the link to learn more."

Support Small Business