Michael Margaliot's Homepage

  I am a Professor of Electrical Engineering and incumbent of the Systems and Control Chair at Tel Aviv University, Israel.


My research interests are in dynamical systems, control theory and systems biology.  Specific topics include:

k-contractive systems, alpha-contractive systems,  and k-cooperative systems


Please see my Google Scholar Profile  

All recent papers are available on Internet archives. Just google the title.  

Recent publications (2022-):

Wu, C. and Margaliot, M. “Diagonal stability of discrete-time k-positive linear systems with applications to nonlinear systems”, IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, 67:4308-4313, 2022.

Wu, C., Kanevskiy, I. and Margaliot, M. “k-contraction: theory and applications”, Automatica, 136, 110048, 2022. (Selected by Automatica’s EIC as Editor’s Choice for Feb. 2022)

Jain, A., Margaliot, M. and Gupta, A. K. “Large-scale mRNA translation and the intricate effects of competition for the finite pool of ribosomes”, J. Royal Society Interface, 19, 20220033, 2022.

Wu, C., Pines, R., Margaliot, M. and Slotine, J.-J. “Generalization of the multiplicative and additive compounds of square matrices and contraction theory in the Hausdorff dimension”, IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, 67:4629-4644, 2022.

Ofir, R., Bullo, F., and Margaliot, M. “Minimum effort decentralized control design for contracting network systems”, IEEE Control Systems Letters, 6:2731-2736, 2022.

Ofir, R., Margaliot, M., Levron, Y., and Slotine, J.-J. “A sufficient condition for k-contraction of the series connection of two systems”, IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, 67:4994-5001, 2022.

Katz, R., Attias, E., Tuller, T. and Margaliot, M. “Translation in the cell under fierce competition for shared resources: a mathematical model”, J. Royal Society Interface, 19, 20220535, 2022. 

Bar-Sahlom, E., Dalin, O. and Margaliot, M. “Compound matrices in systems and control theory: a tutorial”, Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems, 35:467-521, part of the special issue for  E. D. Sontag’s 70th birthday, 2023.

Ofir, R., Kriecherbauer, T., Gruene, L., and Margaliot, M. “On the gain of entrainment in the n-dimensional ribosome flow model”, J. Royal Society Interface, 20, 20220763, 2023.

Dalin, O., Ofir, R., Bar-Shalom, E., Ovseevich, A., Bullo, F.,   and Margaliot, M. "Verifying  k-contraction without computing k-compounds", IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, to appear.

Ofir, R.,  Ovseevich, A.,   and Margaliot, M. "Contraction and k-contraction in Lurie systems with applications to networked systems", Automatica, 159, 111341,  2024.    

Ofir, R.,  and Margaliot, M. "The k-compound of a  difference-algebraic  system", Automatica, 159, 11387, 2024.   

Katz, R., Gruene, L., Kriecherbauer R., and Margaliot, M. "On the gain of entrainment in a class of weakly contractive bilinear control systems",SIAM J. Control and Optimization, to appear. 

Ofir, R. and Margaliot, M. “Multiplicative and additive compounds via Kronecker products and Kronecker sums”, submitted. 

Dalin, O., Ovseevich, A., and Margaliot, M. "On special quadratic Lyapunov functions for linear dynamical systems with an invariant cone", IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, to appear. 

Contact information: 

Prof. Michael Margaliot

School of Electrical Engineering

Tel Aviv University, Israel 69978

Email: michaelm@tauex.tau.ac.il

Presentations and slides

Compound Matrices in Systems and Control Theory  

Contraction and k-contraction in Lurie systems (video presentation by my PhD student Ron Ofir)

IFAC2023 - a sufficient condition for k-contraction in Lurie systems - compressed.mp4
IFAC2023 - k-contraction in Lurie systems(1).pdf