Undergraduate Research

Undergraduate research focuses on developing and enhancing observational, critical thinking, and technical writing skills. Projects vary in scope with most involving a component of field work combined with petrographic and/or other quantitative analysis. Listed below are the students and projects that I have mentored over the past few years at Bridgewater State University. These projects were made possible by the generosity of the Bridgewater State University Foundation which supports vital programs such as the Adrian Tinsley Program for undergraduate research. 

Rene Holt '08

Rachel March '20 G '21 

& Kimberly Lambert '20 

SE Massachusetts Mineral Club 2019 Scholarship Recipients

Jessica Campbell '08 & Kimberly Lambert '20

Autumn Burrell '17

Undergraduate Research Projects 


Projects range from semester long in-class research to year long investigations.  Students are exposed to a wide variety of geologic locations from the Rocky Mountains and Appalachian Mountains in the United States or locations around the world such as Japan, Iceland, Africa, and the Himalayas of Pakistan.

Students work independently and collaboratively on solving a range of geologic questions.  Our work is primarily related to petrographic analysis, microstructural analysis, and geochemical investigations.  The Department of Geological Sciences house several analytical equipment (XRF, XRD) that provide our students with access and knowledge to cutting edge scientific instrumentation. 


Gregory Peck, Petrography, Geochemistry of a Granitic Gneiss Ruby Range, Dillon, Montana BSU Symposium Poster

Justin Bennett-Cohen, The Petrography, Geochemistry, and Origin of the Milford Granite BSU Symposium Poster

Sean Murray, It's Tuff Being Rhyolite BSU Symposium Poster

Tatum Manson, Petrographic and Geochemical Analysis of a Tholeiitic Diabase from a Dike Intrusion in Rocky Hill Sanctuary (Groton, MA) BSU Symposium Poster

Brandon Raposo, Geochemical Analysis of Granitic Gneiss in the eastern Adirondack Mountains, New York BSU Symposium Poster

Lily Traver, Petrographic and Geochemical Analysis of a Granite Pluton at Mt. Watatic, Massachusetts BSU Symposium Poster

Maya Beisheim, Beyond the Surface: Petrographic and geochemical Profiling of Granite BSU Symposium Poster

Annaliese Fleming, Geochemical Analysis and Petrography of a Felsic Gneiss from the Reading Prong, Pennsylvania BSU Symposium Poster

Katelynn Splaine, Petrography, Geochemistry & Origin of the Dillon Granite Gneiss, in the Rocky Mountains, Montana BSU Symposium Poster

Matthew Krampf, Unveiling the Geological Tapestry: Exploring the Petrology and Geochemistry of the Quincy Quarries Granite BSU Symposium Poster

Evelyn Olson, Geochemistry and Petrologic Analysis of a Challis Volcanics Dacite BSU Symposium Poster

Alexa Gavin, Backtracking the Origin of a Rock Sample from the Peruvian Andes: Implications from Rock Pulverization and Geochemical Analysis BSU Symposium Poster

Ranck, O. & Krol, M., Tracing the extent of the 6.0 Ma Timber Hill Basalt into the Heise Volcanic Field: A geochemical approach to correlating young basaltic lava flows with the Yellowstone Hotspot Track, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 53, No. 3. GSA Poster


Lee, J., Campbell, J, & Krol, M.A., Geochemical analysis of ultramafic bodies within the central Ruby Range, southwestern Montana: intrusive or tectonic emplacement? Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 53, No. 3. GSA Poster


Seren Anderson Huggins, Research of Sample MK-8-19 BSU Symposium Poster


Alex Caramelo, Petrographic and Geochemical analysis of the Mesozoic Dolerite: West Rock Ridge, Connecticut BSU Symposium Poster


Ian Connolly, Geochemical Examination of a Hualalai Basalt BSU Symposium Poster


James Deppisch, Tracing the Petrogenesis of Rock Sample from Hakone Volcano, Japan: Implications from Petrographic and Geochemical Analysis BSU Symposium Poster


Brennan Foley, Petrogenesis and Geochemical Analysis of a Trachyandesite from Black Butte, Montana BSU Symposium Poster


Julia Lee, Petrography, Geochemistry, and Origin of the Diabase Dikes from the Rocky Hill Wildlife Reserve Groton, MA BSU Symposium Poster


Alex Mayo, Geochemical Analysis of Andesitic Rocks in Saint Kitts, Caribbean BSU Symposium Poster


Nathanial Melanson, Geochemical analysis of the Woodstock Quartz Monzonite: Implications for its tectonic origin in the Maryland Piedmont BSU Symposium Poster

Olivia Ranck, Geochemical Data of a Basalt from the 1887 Hawaiian Lava Flow of Mauna Loa BSU Symposium Poster


Eve Roszel, Petrogenesis of the Archean Rattlesnake Mountain Granite Gneiss: Implications from Whole-Rock Geochemistry BSU Symposium Poster


Josiah Stessman, Petrographic and Geochemical Analysis of a Basalt Rock from Mt. Fuji BSU Symposium Poster


Brianna Bowlby, Petrography, Geochemistry, and Origins of Rhyolite from Dillon, Montana, BSU Symposium Poster 


Allison Carter, Petrographic and Geochemical Analysis of Volcanic Rock From the San Juan Mountains in Colorado, USA, BSU Symposium Poster 


Alina Inchaustegui, Petrographic and Geochemical Analysis of a Sedimentary Derived Granodioritic Magma, Andover Granite, Massachusetts, BSU Symposium Poster 


Malique Jelks, Petrography, geochemistry, and origin of Amphibolite from Beehive Basin, Spanish Peaks Region, Big Sky, Montana, BSU Symposium Poster 


River Kellard, Geochemical and Petrographic Analysis of a Volcanic Rock Sample from the Island of Saba, Caribbean Island, BSU Symposium Poster 


Tyler Litchfield, Petrographic and Geochemical Analysis of a Volcanic Basalt from the Hualalai Eruption of 1800-1801, BSU Symposium Poster 


Edward Lopez, Petrographic and Chemical Analysis - Basaltic Rock - Mount Kenya, Africa, BSU Symposium Poster 

Sophia Oliver, Geochemical and Petrographic analysis of rhyolite tuff from the Mattapan Volcanic Complex, Braintree Massachusetts

John Williams, Pet Rock Project, BSU Symposium Poster 

Sawyer Fallin-Hornsberger and Natasha Ocasio, Geochemical Analysis of the Medford Diabase Dike, Middlesex Fells, Massachusetts: Implications for the Timing and Tectonic Environment of Emplacement in the Eastern Avalon Terrane, Northeast Geological Society of America Poster 


Kyra Blumenthal, The Tectonic History of Hardwick Pluton: Implications from Petrography and Geochemistry


Sawyer Fallin-Hornsberger, Geochemistry and Geologic History of Basaltic Intrusions in Eastern Massachusetts


Michael Lauzon, Petrological and Geochemical Analysis of Granite Rock from the Four Mile Gneiss: Implications for Tectonic Origin


Kenneth McDonald, Geochemical and Petrographic analysis of the Blue Hills Complex: Implications for the origin of Volcanic rocks in Eastern Massachusetts


Michael McPeck, Petrology and Geochemistry of Fitchburg Plutonic Complex, Central Massachusetts


Natasha Ocasio, 450 Million Year Old Volcanic Rock Found in Massachusetts


Julia Olimpio, Petrography and Geochemistry of Rock Sample ER-1-20 From the Erving Formation in Western Massachusetts


Elizabeth Sangiolo, Petrographic and Geochemical Analysis of Granite Collected from Quincy Massachusetts


Christina Schipelliti, Petrographic and Geochemical Analysis of Monson Gneiss Collected from Orange, Massachusetts


Ethan Traynor, Geological Analysis of Poplar Mountain Gneiss


Angela Young, Geologic History of Basaltic Rocks in Massachusetts


Manuel Aleno, Mount Fuji Basaltic Rock Sample, BSU Symposium Poster

Rachael Caulfield, Geochemical and Petrogenesis of a Plutonic Rock from Bancroft, Ontario, Canada, BSU Symposium Poster

Lucas Chisser, Hualalai Basalt and What You Need to Know

Johannah Cronin, Geochemical Analysis of the Granites from Borderland State Park: Implications for Late Precambrian-Paleozoic Tectonism of Eastern Massachusetts, BSU Symposium Poster

Michael Curtin, Geochemistry and Petrogenesis of Mauna Kea, Big Island of Hawaii

Kevin Hill, Rock Sample from the Final Frontier: Petrogenesis of an Alaskan Granite, BSU Symposium Poster

Brianna Hopkins, Petrography and Geochemistry of an Archean Metamorphic Rock from the Blacktail Mountains, Southwest Montana, BSU Symposium Poster

Samantha Irving, Petrology, Geochemistry, and Tectonic History of the Tobacco Root Diorite, Montana

Alyssa Jarvis, Petrography and Geochemistry of Volcanic Basaltic Rock at the Skogafoss Waterfall in Skogar, Iceland

Zoe Kennefick, Kilauea’s Basaltic Lava Flow

Laura King, Geochemical Evidence for Continental Rifting and Emplacement of Igneous Plutons in the Late Precambrian, in the Mid-continent of North America

Kimberly Lambert, Geochemical Study of the Timber Hill Basalt and Adjacent Basalt Plugs Within the Blacktail and Ruby Mountains, Southwest Montana, BSU Symposium Poster

Rachel March, Geochemistry of Icelandic Basalts, BSU Symposium Poster

Nikki Montanaro, Petrography & Geochemistry of Basaltic Lava from Mauna Kea, Hawaii: Understanding the Stages of Volcanic Island Growth

Joseph Morrissey, Petrographic and Chemical Analysis of a Basaltic Rock from Iceland

Lily Nolan, Petrography, Geochemistry and Origin of a Basanite from the Kohala Volcano, Hawaii

Merari Reyes, A Petrology and Geochemical Analysis of Hualalai Volcano

Liam Ridge, Geochemistry, and Origin of Basaltic Rock from Yellowstone National Park, BSU Symposium Poster

Casey Shapiro, Tectonic Implications for the Origin of Icelandic Basalt Flow from Whole-Rock Geochemical and Petrographic Analysis, BSU Symposium Poster

Emma Shockley, Analysis of Huckleberry Ridge Tuff and Yellowstone’s Explosive Past

Lisa Sines, Geochemistry and Petrography of Basalt from Kohala Volcano, Hawaii: Origin of Hotspot Magmatism

Eric Souza, Petrography, Geochemistry, and Origin of an Alkalic Basalt from Reynisfjara, Iceland

Danielle Weeman, Geochemical and Petrogenic Analysis of Volcanic Rock from Mauna Loa, Hawaii, BSU Symposium Poster

Cassie Whitcomb, Geochemical study of Basalt from Hualalai Volcano, Hawaii: Implications for the Shield Volcano Evolution

Alexa Wilson, Petrography and Geochemistry of the Duluth Intrusive Complex, Minnesota, BSU Symposium Poster

Angela Young, Petrography, Geochemistry and Origin of the Pioneer Mountains, Southwest Montana


Ben Eaton, Origin of The Dillon Volcanic

Brian Curran, Geochemistry and Petrography of Late Paleogene Rhyolite from the Dillon Basin, SW Montana

Johannah Cronin, Geochemistry and Petrography of Volcanic Basaltic Rock from Iceland

Sean Flaherty, Pet Rock Project

Jaclyn D’Aguanno, Tectonic Implications for a Rhyolite Intrusion in the Precambrian Ruby Mountains

Annika Jurgilewicz, Petrography and Geochemistry of Volcanic Rock from Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii

Joanna Salvucci, Petrography and Geochemistry of a Granitic Gneiss in the Ruby Range, Montana

Victoria Soares, Igneous Geochemistry of Quincy Granite Sample, Formed in the Quincy Quarries

Zachary England, Petrology and Geochemistry of Volcanic Rock from Mount Tom, Massachusetts

Kaitlyn Chappell, Origin of the Blue Hills Porphyry: A Study in Petrography and Geochemistry

Trevion Moss, Petrography & Geochemistry of Basalt from the Hualalai Volcano, Big Island of Hawaii

Jane Meyrick, Petrography, Geochemistry, and Origin of the Yellowstone Rhyolite, Yellowstone National Park

Catherine O’Leary, Petrography and Geochemistry of a Volcanic Rock from Craters of the Moon National Monument, Idaho

Elizabeth Short, Petrography and Geochemistry of Plutonic Rock from Himalayan Mountains

Julia Biagiotti, Petrography and Geochemistry of mafic rock from Iceland: Implications for the tectonic origin

Rachel March, Petrography, Geochemistry, and Origin of the Port Deposit Gneiss, Maryland Piedmont

Vito Pampalone, Pet Rock Project

D’Ana Spears, Petrology and Geochemistry of a Batholith Sample from Snoqualmie Pass, Washington State

James Frigoletto, Petrology and Geochemical Analysis of Basalt from Mount Fuji Volcano, Japan

Gary Despres, Petrography and Geochemistry of a Plutonic Rock from the Idaho Batholith, Montana, USA




Jillian Blye, Pet Rock Project: Igneous Rhyolitic Tuff.


Richard Smith, The History and Petrography of Mylonite.


Ellie Teague, Bushveld Complex Rock Identification.


Jandlyn Bentley, Geochemical Analysis of a Baltic Volcanic Rock Sample from Mt. Fuji, Japan.


Michael Secatore, My Pet Rock.


Jeremy Hoyle, Petrography and Geochemistry of a Rock Sample from the Great Dyke of Zimbabwe.


William Edwards, Reading Prong Granite Gneisses.


Sean Carlson, Geochemistry and Petrography of an Icelandic Volcanic Rock: Pet Rock Project on its Petrogenesis and Tectonic History.


Rebecca Foster, Geochemistry Geochemical and Petrographic Analysis of Tholeiitic Basalt From Mauna Kea, Hawaii.


Robert Lengel, Pet Rock Project: Huckleberry Ridge Rhyolite Tuff.


Kimberly Lambert, Geochemical Analysis of a Rock Sample from the Hakone Volcano, Japan.


Daniel DiFrancesco, Petrography and Geochemistry of a Granite Rock Sample from the East African Rift System.


Natacha Lormil, Petrology and Geochemistry of Shonkinite Rock.

Allison Brennan & Leah Rickey, Petrography and Geochemical Study of Purgatory Chasm, Sutton MA: Insights into the Origin and Evolution of Granitic Gneisses.

Kayleigh MacDonald, Petrography and Geochemical Analysis Across a Major Ductile Shear Zone: Ruby Range, Montana.           

Haley Muir, Petrography and Geochemistry of Ultramafic Rocks from the Elk Gulch Quadrangle, Ruby Mountains, Montana.

Richard Butts, Geochemistry and Petrology of Cobbles from the Roxbury Conglomerate.

Meghan O'Neil, Petrography and Geochemistry of the Ruby Range and Blacktail Range, Montana.



Haley Muir, Petrography and Geochemistry of Ultramafic Pluton from the Elk Gulch Quadrangle, Ruby Mountains, Montana.


Noah White, Petrography and Geochemistry of a Volcanic Rock Sample from the Yellowstone National Park.


Allison Brennan, My Pet Rock Project.


Leah Rickey, Petrographic and Geochemical Analysis.


Patrick Moran, Petrographic and Geochemical Analysis of Igneous Sample from Black Butte in Southern Montana.


Jamie MacDonald, Petrography and Geochemistry of Icelandic Igneous Rock: Ice, Ice Baby.


Autumn Burrell, Geochemical Analysis of the Basaltic Rocks from Volcanoes of the Hawaiian Island: Implications for their Evolutionary Stage of Development.


Meghan O'Neil, Petrography and Geochemistry of the Rattlesnake Mountain Anticline west of Cody, Wyoming.


Hannah Charroux, Petrography and Geochemistry of Samples from Lone Mountain in Montana.


Gabrielle Sumner, Marisa Goeppner, & Kyle Otis Depositional Provenance of the Roxbury Conglomerate.


Kayleigh MacDonald, Petrography and Geochemistry of a Volcanic Rock from Kilauea, Hawaii.


Robert Smith, Petrography and Geochemistry of Volcanic Rock from Mount Kenya, Africa.


Karaline Kummer, Petrography and Geochemistry of Samples from the Newberry Volcano in Oregon.


Doug MacLeod, Petrography and Geochemistry of an Igneous Outcrop in Hopkinton Massachusetts.


Autumn Burrell, Geochemical analysis of the basaltic rocks from volcanoes of the Hawaiian Island: Implications for their evolutionary stage of development. BSU Symposium Poster

Chris Crowley, Tectonic origins of Precambrian Granitic Gneisses & Amphibolites from the Spanish Peaks-Gallatin Mountain range, SW Montana. BSU Symposium Poster

Jeremy Frodyma, Origin and Tectonic Implications for Granite Bodies at Fort Phoenix State Reservation and the Permian-Aged Narragansett Pier Granite Using Whole-Rock Geochemistry. BSU Symposium Poster


Lauren Bell, Timing of deformation associated with a major ductile shear zone, Ruby Mountains, SW Montana. GSA Poster


Allen Schaen, 40Ar/39Ar laser dating and provenance of micas from the Teddy Creek Group, SW Montana. GSA Poster


Renee Holt, Sedimentary Petrology of the Teddy Creek Group, Blacktail Mountains, Montana: Implications for provenance and landscape evolution. GSA Poster; Undergraduate Review article



Jessica Sousa, Petrologic investigation of amphibolites across a major ductile shear zone in the Ruby Mountains, SW Montana: Implications for the nature of early Proterozoic(?) mafic magmatism. GSA Poster

Jessica Sousa, Kinematic analysis of mylonitic rocks, southern Ruby Mountains, SW Montana: Evidence for Proterozoic orogenic crustal thickening and topographic collapse. Undergraduate Review article pages 57-63.


Rene Olsen, Kinematic and microstructural study of mylonitic rocks from the Ruby Mountains, southwest Montana.


Amy Saccoccio, Petrography and geochemistry of Cenozoic basalt flows within the Blacktail Mountains and Ruby Mountains, SW Montana.


Emily Clement, Field and Petrographic Investigation of the Lone Mountain Intrusion and Associated Effects of Contact Metamorphism, Gallatin Range, Montana. NCUR Poster, Undergraduate Review article

Ashlee Kirkwood, Petrographic analysis of a drill core from the Narragansett Basin, Somerset, Massachusetts. Undergraduate Review article

Elizabeth (Lynn) Connell, Microstructural Analysis of the Rhode Island Formation, Narragansett Basin, MA. GSA Poster, Undergraduate Review article



Lisa Baltimore, Development of lab assignments for secondary education in Earth Science.

Crystal Cakounes, Development of Earth Science labs for elementary education.

Daniel Callahan, Geologic mapping and analysis of sedimentary rocks in the Teddy Creek drainage, Blacktail Mountains, Montana.

Amanda Craig, Petrographic Analysis of Core # 47, Halifax Massachusetts.

Russ McCormick, Field, Petrographic, & Geochemical characteristics of the Price Creek volcanics, southeast Blacktail Mountains. GSA Poster, Undergraduate Review article

Erin Nevens, Petrographic analysis of metamorphic rocks at Black Rock Beach, Cohasett MA. GSA Poster, Undergraduate Review article

Michael Robbins, Petrographic and Paleo-Depositional Analysis of the Northern Narragansett Basin Through Drill Core Observation. ATP Poster


Nicholas Rofe, Geologic mapping of volcanic rocks in the Blacktail Mountains, Montana.


Mathew Brennan, Geologic history of Borderland State Park, Easton MA.

Senior Honors Thesis Advisor


Autumn Burrell, Geochemical and Petrographic Analysis of Basaltic Rocks of the Hawaiian Island: Implications for their Evolutionary Stage of Development, B.S. Thesis

Adrian Tinsley Program Summer Scholars


Julia Lee, A Geochemical Analysis of Diabase Dikes within the Ruby Mountains: Implications for refining tectonic evolution models of southwest Montana

Olivia Ranck, Tracing the extent of the Timber Hill Basalt: A geochemical approach to correlating young basaltic lava flows and possible origin from the Yellowstone Hotspot Track and the implications for the volcanic evolution of southwest Montana


Casey Shapiro, Geochemical analysis of Precambrian granitic gneiss from the Ruby Mountains: Implications for reconstructing the tectonic history of southwest Montana


Lauren Bell, Timing of deformation and metamorphism associated with a major shear zone in the central Ruby Mountains, Southwest Montana


Rene Holt, Sedimentary Petrology and Provenance of the Teddy Creek Group SW Montana


Jessica Sousa, Kinematic and microstructural analysis of ductile shear zones, Ruby Mountains, Montana


Emily Clement, Field and Petrographic Investigation of the Lone Mountain Intrusion and Associated Effects of Contact Metamorphism, Gallatin Range, Montana

Ashlee Kirkwood, Petrographic analysis of a drill core from the Narragansett Basin, Somerset, Massachusetts

Elizabeth (Lynn) Connell, Microstructural Analysis of the Rhode Island Formation, Narragansett Basin, MA


Daniel Callahan, Sedimentary Petrology of the Teddy Creek Group, Blacktail Mountains, Montana

Erin Nevens, Geologic Mapping and Petrographic Analysis of Metamorphic Rocks from Black Rock Beach, Cohasset, Massachusetts


Nicholas Rofe, Geologic mapping of volcanic rocks in the Blacktail Mountains, Montana


Mathew Brennan, Geologic history of the Easton and Sharon border, southeastern Massachusetts

Adrian Tinsley Program Semester Grant Recipients


Geoppner, Marissa., Otis, Kyle., Sumner, Gabby, Depositional Provenance of the Roxbury Conglomerate


Erin Nevens, Geochemical constraints on the timing of basaltic magmatism at Black Rock Beach, Cohasset, MA

Russ McCormick, Geochemical analysis of the Price Creek and Dillon Volcanics, Blacktail Mountains, Montana


Michael Robbins, Petrographic and Paleo-Depositional Analysis of Drill Core Samples from the Northeastern Portion of the Narragansett Basin, Massachusetts

Erin Nevens, Unraveling the Geologic History of the Avalon Terrane in Massachusetts: Field Observations and Petrographic Analysis

Russ McCormick, Petrographic Comparison between Price Creek, Teddy Creek and the Dillon Volcanics, Southwestern Montana


Nicholas Rofe, Petrographic analysis of volcanic rock samples collected from the Blacktail Mountains, Montana


Matthew Brennan, Geologic history of Borderland State Park, Easton MA