Michael James Burke Dubai

Michael James Burke (Michael Burke Dubai)

Michael James Burke, also known as Michael Burke, was born on October 10, 1965, and has made a remarkable career for himself in the legal and financial industries. He has shaped his life journey by his constant efforts of innovation and quality through which he has made a significant influence on the world financial scene, especially in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Presently he holds the positions of co-founder and chief executive officer of Burke Financial Time.

Throughout his career, Burke has received recognition for his unconventional thinking and thought leadership. Michael Burke Dubai is a well known speaker and advisor in numerous international forums due to his proficiency in asset recovery, litigation management, and corporate governance. Despite this, he has  received the respect and admiration from the industry and clients for his ability to predict trends in the industry and his dedication to moral behaviour.


In the long run, Michael James Burke's path from a New York law student to a prominent financial executive in Dubai stands as proof of his commitment, and his spirit of entrepreneurship. He is a real pioneer and visionary leader because of his lasting contributions to the financial sector, especially in the areas of innovation and alternative finance.

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