Yoga & Meditation Classes 

for individuals and groups


Getting to know your yoga asana and meditation guide

Yoga is one of the most beautiful mindfulness practices our species has ever discovered. I use it as a method of calming my mind to find a place of ease in my center and a full-body exercise to maintain my core strength. I take each class as an opportunity to connect with the group and share the feeling of being a part of something much larger than ourselves. With a playful heart, I hope to guide you through the breath flows and body movements offered by the tradition of yoga asana.  

Paying kindness forward

I'm offering a FREE weekly 30 minute yoga and meditation session on Thursdays at 10:30 am Atlantic standard time. Sign up below or contact me directly via WhatsApp (+1-868-722-6667) or email ( to join!

Yoga continues to be life-changing in its ability to help me maintain a sense of inner peace as I navigate the challenges of day-to-day life.  In an effort to help cultivate that in others, I volunteered with Vision on Mission in their 2023 pre- and post-release programs that offer classes as part of their restorative justice programming for incarcerated persons.

Happy Jack Yoga 200 hr Yoga Alliance certification completed.

If you're interested in becoming a Yoga teacher yourself, or even just in deepening your personal practice, aske me about a link to get a special discount at Happy Jack Yoga !