Home Gardening

If you're tired of  "wacker-men" and want someone who'll work to nurture your plants and grow your envisioned garden then look no further!

Free site visit and consultation available Monday, Tuesday, or Friday from 9 am to 5 pm.

Vegetables, herbs and beautiful ornamentals can thrive in a home garden thanks to Trinidad and Tobago's tropical climate. 

I can help you practice with the tools and techniques specific to cultivation success for your space! 

Set your seeds

and watch

as they grow!

Plants for sale!


Pink anthuriums are currently available in pots or hanging baskets.


We sell a variety of bromeliads priced based on rarity in pots and hanging baskets. 

Red and Pink Ginger Lilies 

Choose your preferred color, or get a mix of the two! Perfect for a tropical hedge or to plant along your property boundary. If you choose home delivery and planting we bring you as large and intact a plant as possible rather than a root (rhizome bulb) and 2 feet of stem which will grow back.

Coleus varieties

Commonly known as "Jacob's coat", coleus sp. are  available in pots or rooted starts that can be planted directly into the ground.

Find a sense of peace as you get in touch with the earth.