Home Staging San Jose

About Mia's Home

As a former senior UX designer, Mia’s design background experience makes her the best candidate for home interior designers. She has worked in major Internet companies. Her design works won the ZCool 2018 Designer Award, and she is also a member of Real Estate Staging Association.

Mia deeply understands the importance of the home environment on the potential purchase intention of buyers. She believes that the interaction between home and people will lead to different consumption impulses of home buyers. Mia believes that helping buyers understand how space is being used will lead to better purchasing decisions.

What You Need to Know About Home Staging!

The real estate industry is a buyer's market out there. Have you ever heard that? Due to the economic problems that the United States and the rest of the world have faced over the past few years, the housing industry has also sunk to record lows. In spite of the fact that things are still getting back to normal in the real estate industry, how can homeowners ensure that they're getting top dollar for their residential real estate property? Home staging can help homebuyers get the best value for their hard-earned dollars.

Here, we'll examine the reasons why home staging is necessary when selling or buying a home, as well as the top tips on how to stage your home so that your goals when buying or selling a home will be met.

What is the importance of home staging?

Experienced real estate agents know that staging your home before selling it is twice as effective as hastily preparing it. The market is a buyer's market, so if you are a home seller and you don't make enough effort to ensure that buyers are interested in purchasing your home, it may stay on the market for a long time if you don't put enough effort into it.

Staged homes also sell for more money, so staging is also necessary. A seller will usually get lower offers on a real estate property that sits on the market for a long time if it sits there for a long time. A properly staged home will help you sell it quickly if you want to get it over and done with quickly.

You can also stage any part of your home - whether it's the porch, the kitchen, or the living room - to make an instant impact on a potential buyer. When potential buyers drive over to your home, make sure they are enticed enough to get out of the car and get a closer look, rather than just drive by. A staged home attracts real estate agents, gets more exposure, can be appraised for top dollar, and helps you sell your home faster.

How to Stage Your Home to Sell for Top Dollar

Having already gained a basic understanding of how partial home staging is important from both the buyer's and seller's perspective, what about selling your home? Despite the economic crunch, how can you make sure that you stage your home well enough to sell it for a premium price?

Staging your home correctly will make a big impact on a potential buyer. Here are a few home staging tips to help you out:

1. Gain a better understanding of home staging

Simply put, home staging is a cost-effective way of enticing homebuyers to purchase your home. It's all about getting a potential buyer to imagine living within the walls of your home, or beautify your existing garden even more. Clean the premises and declutter. Get rid of all personal items, such as family portraits. Regardless of how sentimental they are to you, a buyer would prefer to have their own family portrait in the living room.

Staging a home is all about teasing a buyer's imagination so that living in the house in the future seems plausible.

2. Home staging is more than just decorating

You can use strategic decorations like mirrors to make a room appear larger after you declutter your home of all your personal effects, but staging goes well beyond that. Arrangement whatever furniture is left in the room artfully to highlight a focal point. Upgrade accessories as needed. Naturally, the needed repairs have already been attended to, and fresh paint is always a good idea.

3. Do to the exterior what you are doing with the interior of your home

White picket fences can sometimes entice a buyer to buy your home. Make sure that the exterior of your house is just as welcoming as the interior. Add some outdoor furniture if you need to or use strategic lighting to highlight the exterior features of your house. Replace any dead plants, trim the lawn, and replace any dead plants.

Taking the time and effort to stage your home will not only speed up the selling process, but will increase the asking price by twice as much as a regular home on the market. It doesn't matter even if you take the economic crunch into consideration. Staged homes usually sell for a higher price than unstaged, freshly painted homes.