Research experience

From 06/2016 to present Postdoc in Max-Planck-Institute for Astronomy (MPIA)

  • Work for PROMISE project which aims to build a detailed, Galaxy-scale view of the internal structure of molecular clouds and to confront the turbulence-regulated interstellar medium/star formation paradigm at scales relevant for entire galaxies.
  • Developed an automatic pipeline to perform the PSF photometry on the VVV survey data, which is based on DaoPHOT algorithm and is mainly written in IDL and Python. This pipeline is also adapted to running in multi-core mode, which can significantly reduce the CPU time used for PSF fitting process.
  • Investigated the star-forming content in the Galactic giant molecular filaments (GMFs).
  • Applied the near-infrared extinction mapping technique to the molecular clouds in the Galactic plane.

From 07/2014 to 06/2016 Assistant researcher in Purple Mountain Observatory (PMO), CAS

  • Conducted a project that aims to investigate the star formation activity in several nearby star forming regions using near-infrared imaging data from WIRCam/CFHT.
  • Participated a project that is leaded by Prof. Hongchi Wang with the aim to search for new Herbig-Haro (HH) objects in nearby star forming regions.

From 09/2010 to 09/2012 PhD student of MPG-CAS Joint Doctoral Promotion Programme in MPIA

  • Participated a project that aims at understanding the dynamical characteristics of outflows in Ophiuchus.
  • Participated the LOBSTAR project which aims at investigating the massive star formation in the starburst clusters of the Galaxy.

From 09/2006 to 09/2010 Predoctoral research in PMO, CAS

  • Investigated the mid-infrared outflows in Ophiuchus using the archival Spitzer data.
  • Investigated the H emission-line stars in the Aquila Rift.
  • Participated a project that aims to investigate the young stellar objects in the solar neighborhood with the optical low-resolution spectra.