Ag & Natural Resources

Health & Human Sciences

A Note from the Educator:

Hi there!

I'm glad you found our news update page for Ag & Natural Resources and Health & Human Sciences Extension Education in Miami County.  If you ever have questions, or are interested in any of the programming we offer, feel free to reach out to me at

Thank you!

Courtney Schmidt

County Extension Director, Ag & Natural Resources/Health & Human Sciences Educator

Miami County Purdue Extension Happenings

New to Medicare? Program

Do you have questions about Medicare?  Miami County Purdue Extension will be hosting a presentation by Jeff Howell, a state health insurance assistance program supervisor, on September 19th at 7 pm. Please come and hear about the program and hopefully make it a little less overwhelming.  The program is free, but we would appreciate an RSVP to or call the Extension Office-765-472-1921. 

Grazing Schools can be a Transformative Experience for Clientele

By Keith D. Johnson

Purdue Extension Forage Specialist

I was at a southern Indiana farm last week with an Extension Educator and producer. The producer noted that he was in attendance at last year’s grazing school and expressed appreciation for things learned. His learning at the Grazing School resulted in improved forage and grazing management practices today.

Survey results from the 2023 schools note that Indiana Grazing School participants (number completing survey was 39) learned something they did not know before attending (99%), were extremely likely to recommend this event to a friend or colleague (86%), and will change their grazing techniques to optimize pasture growth (51%).

A news release regarding the 2024 grazing schools that was prepared by Ashvini Malshe with Purdue Agricultural Communications follows. Please share the opportunity of the Grazing Schools, and consider attending, too, if wanting to learn about  and enact improved grazing management practices.

WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. — From the Indiana Forage Council (IFC) and Purdue Extension agriculture and natural resources, the Indiana Grazing Schools will start in August. Livestock producers will gain hands-on training in implementing improved grazing systems. 

The program also is hosted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service and the Indiana Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts.

The event will cover topics including soil fertility, water, fencing and grazing systems, animal health, and plant identification. The program will offer two training sessions. The registration fee is $80 and covers the cost of management information and a meal and refreshments on the program’s second day. Additional individuals from the same operation can attend for a reduced $55 fee.

Dates and locations:

The programs will run from 1-6 p.m. Friday and 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturday. Attendees will hear from featured speakers and hosts Keith Johnson, Purdue professor of agronomy and Extension forage specialist; Jason Tower, Southern Indiana Purdue Agricultural Center superintendent; Ron Lemenager, professor of animal sciences and Extension beef specialist; Jackie Boerman, associate professor of animal sciences and Extension dairy specialist; Grant Burcham, DVM, veterinary diagnostician; and many other experts.

“Attending a grazing school can be a transformative experience. Attendees can take education learned and put the practices in place on their farm. The networking among instructors and attendees is also apparent at a grazing school,” Johnson said. “This interaction has value as future questions can be directed to instructors and other producers that were part of the event.”

Trainings will consist of field tours and pasture walks. There also will be small-group discussions with featured experts and other school participants.

The registration form is available on the IFC’s website. Deadline to register is July 19 and Sept. 13 for the Loogootee and LaGrange schools, respectively.

Direct questions to Johnson at or 765-494-4800. If individuals require auxiliary aids and services due to a disability, call 765-494-4800 prior to the event. 

Writer/Media Contact: Ashvini Malshe, 765-496-7480,

Cut Flower Farm Tour at Catey Heritage

Purdue Extension Miami County & Catey Heritage Farms will partner to offer a tour of their cut flower operation and a hands on activity making a fall decor centerpiece. This will be on October 8th, 6-8 pm.  Lauren and Jem, owners of Catey Heritage, will be giving the tour and talking about their cut flower farm operation, permaculture gardens, hoop house management, agentertainment venue, etc.  The cost is $15, and spots are limited to 20 people.  

RSVP's required to or call the office at 765-472-1921.  Please use same contact for any reasonable accommodations.   Intended for an 18+ audience.

Consumer Education Day in Miami County

The fall consumer education day will consist of two lessons: Eat Midwest Fish: How to Incorporate more Lean Protein into Your Diet and  Investing for Parents and Grandparents.

Come join Area 8 Health & Human Sciences Extension Educators on September 12th at either the Miami County Community Building to learn more about these topics  The program is FREE to attend.  

Please RSVP by September 9th to the Extension office at 765-472-1921 or

Purdue Extension Crop and Weather Updates Going Public in 2024

The first Purdue Extension field crop call for the season took place via zoom on April 9,

2024. These calls have been an internal tool used in Extension since 1982, when

Educators and Specialists would huddle around landline telephones to give updates on

production issues facing local field crop growers. In turn, the specialists on campus

would give what recommendations they had to combat the issues.


As we move Extension into the 21st century, we are finding new ways to utilize

technology in order to meet the in-season informational needs of crop growers. Now

that the calls are being hosted online, they can be recorded, edited down to just the vital

pieces, and shared in a relatively timely fashion with our crop producers. You can find

our first Purdue Extension Crop and Weather Update for 2024 on the Purdue On The

Farm YouTube Channel at


Each call this season will start with a state weather update from the Indiana State

Climate Office, then each department on campus is invited to give updates; agronomy,

botany and plant pathology, entomology, weed science, agricultural economics, and

agricultural engineering. The Office of the Indiana State Chemist is also invited to the

calls to provide regulatory updates as policies are frequently evolving from season to

season and even within seasons.


This first update features a winter weather summary and throughout the update there

are discussions of its implications for pest issues this season. Specialists also shared

early-season wheat management reminders, equipment maintenance reminders, and

other production issues to keep an eye out for as the season gets under way. Growers

can expect the remaining Crop and Weather Updates will be posted to the Purdue on the

Farm YouTube Channel on April 26, May 10, May 24, June 7, June 21, July 12, August 9,

and September 13, 2024.


To reach members of the Purdue Extension Field Crops and Purdue on the Farm Teams,

please reach out to

Succession Planning: 

Transferring the Farm's Legacy

Purdue Extension offers virtual workshop series to assist families with farm succession


The Purdue Extension Succession Planning Team is hosting the virtual workshop, “Succession Planning -

Transferring the Farm's Legacy,” for individuals seeking advice as they look ahead with transferring their family businesses to the next generation.


“Many families strive to have a good succession process in place.  Setting goals, seeking legal advice, and considering family dynamics are all important aspects,” said Ed Farris, Purdue Extension Educator in Huntington Co., who is a member of the Purdue Extension Succession Planning Team.  “This program is designed to help families stay focused in their planning decisions.”


The three-session lunchtime virtual workshop will be Tuesday Aug. 20 (Noon to 1 p.m. EST), Wednesday Aug 21 (Noon to 1 p.m. EST), and Thursday Aug. 22 (11 a.m. – 1 p.m. EST).  Note the earlier start time on Thursday Aug. 22 as the series concludes with an attorney presentation.


The series will offer the following presentations from Purdue Extension Educators and Specialists along with attorneys:

August 20, 2024, 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. (EST), "Management Transfer " - Speakers: Nick Held and Kyle Weaver

- August 21, 2024, 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. (EST), "Financial Preparedness" - Speakers: Michael Langemeier and Ed Farris

- August 22, 2024, 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. (EST), "Conflict Management " -Speakers: Phil Woolery and Renee Wiatt and "Legal Considerations for Structuring Your Farm Succession Plan" - Speakers: Scott Linneweber and Brian Eagle, Attorneys, Eagle and Fein, P.C.


Participants can register for the program series at . The program fee is $40.00 per email address.  Zoom Links to the programs will be sent to registered participants prior to

the programs. Registration questions can be answered by contacting Jeff Pell at or 317-745-9260.

Mental Health Intervention Training comes to Miami County

QPR is an emergency mental health intervention training to address and prevent suicide. QPR trainings consist of education and skills-building about how to engage with someone who may be experiencing suicidal ideations, and about how to appropriately connect that person with professional help. More information about QPR is available at:

Spaces are limited.  

June 2024 Hot Topic-Lawncare Disease and Pest

June's Hot Topics presenters are Dr.’s Lee Miller and Doug Richmond.   Dr. Miller is a Professor of Turfgrass Pathology for the Department of Botany and Plant Pathology and Dr. Doug Richmond is a Professor of Turfgrass Entomology & Soil Insect Ecology in the Department of Entomology. 

If you watch the video, please help us record impact and improve programming by completing this short survey: 

US Census of Ag Data was released in March of 2024, 

see Miami Co. Profile below:

Grow a Row for Miami County

The Miami County Food Security Alliance is spearheading the Grow A Row Nourish Your Neighbors initiative this growing season in Fulton & Miami counties. This initiative encourages local growers to donate garden fruits and vegetables to community partners for distributing the healthy, delicious produce to our neighbors in need. We know gardeners put a lot of hard work and pride into growing nourishing food and we want to be sure it all finds a home.


Local growers can plant an extra row specifically for donations or can choose to donate any extra produce throughout the growing season when their bounty is overflowing and their neighbors have all they need. Interested gardeners can complete a brief survey at to get access to a list of drop off locations willing to distribute the produce. This list will include site locations, drop off times and details and will be updated as more sites register.


Community groups interested in distributing the produce can register their site at to be added to the donation site list.  These sites can include food pantries, community meal sites, social service agencies, and more. For impact purposes, it is requested that donation sites keep a record of donations, such as weight of produce, and number of donors.

Visit the Live Well Miami County Facebook page to see our posts about Grow A Row, Nourish Your Neighbor to share with your networks and help us spread the word.

Miami County Master Gardener Association

Meeting Schedule

My first international teaching experience.  Costa Rica Tech-San Carlos on Extension Programming and the Needs associated with it in Miami County Indiana

April 2024

Cacao Plantation

Costa Rica 

Professional Development 

Costa Rica Tech Official Group Photo-Professional Development

Crocodile Research at Costa Rica Tech

Miami County Master Gardener Plant Sale

Teaching Opportunies at North Miami with 4th and 6th Grades

New Season of Extension Hot Topics!

Miami County Master Gardener Basic Training

Teaching Herbaceous Ornamentals and House Plants with ANR Educator Geoff Schortgen

Nutrition Education Program Advisor and myself teaching Junior Master Gardener-Learn Grow Eat and Go with the North Miami 5th Graders.

The Invasive Species Signature Program will equip communities with interdisciplinary education and programming to provide landowners and industry specialists with the knowledge to track, report, remove, and avoid invasive species across the state.

Join us at the Kokomo-Howard County Library Main Branch on August 23, 2024 from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Cost is $80. Please register at
