multi-functional hybrid nano-materials laboratory

MHNL Overview

The Multi-functional Hybrid Nanomaterials (MHN) Laboratory is dedicated to research into the synthesis of various organic/inorganic nanoscale materials. Our group is developing optoelectronic materials that enable new applications and enhanced performance for light-energy conversion. Guided by computational, optical and device modeling, we develop novel designs and architectures that we bring to reality through state-of-the-art nanotechnology. Our research finds application in photovoltaic (perovskite solar cell), light emitting diodes and sensors (electrochemical sensing).

We are especially driven the applications by the goal of cheap cost and easy process and are focused on the materials which exist abundant on the earth and environment friendly. All compatibility, and we employ techniques that are highly scalable and economically feasible. We are now building the brand-new concept of nanoplatform to exploited for lots of potentials for broad applications (such as solar cells, Batteries, sensors, and light emitting diodes). The approaches are multidisciplinary, involving expertise and knowledge in materials science, chemistry, physics, optoelectronics and electrochemistry.

What we offer 

We offer direct access to facilities with a range of fully integrated advanced instrumentation, including training and research expertise on different topics, e.g.: