Call for Papers



We invite researchers in machine learning, artificial intelligence, and related disciplines to submit their latest work to this workshop. We invite submissions related to the theme of the workshop. Relevant topics include, but are not limited to: 

Submission Instructions

Papers submitted to the workshop should be 4-8 long (not including references and appendix) and use the ICML formatting. Please change the footnote to reflect the name of the workshop: ICML 2024 Workshop on Models of Human Feedback for AI Alignment. Reviewing is double-blind. We invite the submission of ongoing unpublished work and work that is currently under review. The workshop is non-archival (there will be no proceedings), which allows for the papers to be submitted to other venues and should ensure that dual submission policies of other venues are not violated. Accepted papers will be made available on the workshop website. The program committee will also select a small number of accepted papers to be highlighted as contributed talks at the workshop. 

Submission should be uploaded as a single pdf here: OpenReview 

Camera-Ready Instructions

Camera-ready versions should be uploaded as a single pdf in the submission portal: OpenReview 

Reviewer Instructions

You can access your assigned papers through OpenReview. Reviews are due June 14, 2024 (AOE). 

General information and review instructions: 

Thank you for your service in making the workshop a success! 

In case of questions, you can reach the origanizers at: