Maximal Health Extension Newsletter

This website does not intent to replicate "Fight Aging", which has an excellent and extensive coverage of news, including new publications, focusing on (but going far beyond) approaches aiming for the reversal of aging. Instead, it shall be complementary and feature announcements of events in Germany or its vicinity, reports from such events, calls for proposals by funding agencies with relation to Germany, job advertisements, and maybe a bit on lobbying and "bipartisan" politics. Items may be in English or German.

This site shall be continued for a long long time, maybe jointly by Mindful and his soulmate-to-be-found. At its core is a newsletter, which shall be sent out every other month (please be patient if there is a delay.) Very rarely, a mail with a single, urgent item may be sent. Currently, mail is handled manually, and (un)subscription and contribution is by email to

All content is published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. You are encouraged to republish and rewrite it in any way you see fit, the only requirements being that you provide attribution and a link to Maximal Health Extension.

Last updated by Mindful, February 2018.