
This is a personal website of Kihyun Lee.

I will try to post my own perspectives from observing expanding frontiers of microbial genomics.

That's where researchers around the world discover how the genes, genomes, lineages, populations, and communities of the microorganisms around us behave and evolve.

Kihyun Lee

Current affiliation

Working as bioinformatician in CJ Bioscience, Seoul, Korea

  • Developing application for genome-based diagnostics and epidemiology of bacterial infections

  • Developing data-driven platform for target discovery in microbiome therapeutics

Member of Early Career Microbiologists Board of Reviewers at Microbial Genomics journal

  • Though I have reviewed only one manuscript to date (as of 2021-06-03)

Previous affiliation

Former postdoctoral researcher at Chung-Ang University

  • Antibiotic resistance in environmental and human-associated microbiomes

Research interests

For details of the studies and projects that I've involved in, go and look around the postings in Research page.


PhD at Seoul National University - projects on the pangenomes of bacterial species

BSc at KAIST Department of Biology