National Seminar on

Interdisciplinary Approaches in Materials and Biological Research

(IAMBR- 2018)

About the College

Mahatma Gandhi College is the torch bearing institution of the Nair Service Society with more than 2500 students pursuing their studies in various disciplines. Now the college offers 13 degree and 10 PG courses. The institution also holds reputation of being a research center that offers research facilities leading to Ph.D. degree in seven disciplines. There are over 45 research guides in this college and about 88 research students have registered under them. The College is reaccredited with ‘A’ grade by NAAC with a CGPA of 3.16. All the PG science departments are supported by FIST of DST, Govt. of India. The college is recently selected for College with Potential for Excellence (second phase) by UGC (2017-2022).Click here


Mahatma Gandhi College stepped into the world of research in 1984, when the University of Kerala elevated the department of Physics as the first recognized research centre. In 2006, department of Chemistry became the 7th research centre. Mahatma Gandhi College Research Committee has been established by 7 departments in the college in 2006. The committee is devoted for promoting multidisciplinary research as well as socially useful productive activities. Mahatma Gandhi Research Committee conducts workshops, seminars and conferences to motivate the students, research scholars and staffs towards research and encourage them to publish their original research articles in reputed journals. Ph.D. students and their guides have published 103 papers last year in the Journals of national and international repute. Department of Botany publishes a peer reviewed Journal “Journal of Advances in Biological Science” with Print ISSN: 2394 – 7837.