Korea University MFEL
Multiscale Fluid Engineering Lab
고려대학교 멀티스케일 유체공학 연구실
Multiscale Fluid Engineering Lab
The Multiscale Fluid Engineering Lab at Korea University aims to study multiscale fluid mechanics and applications.
Our research includes developing bio-inspired advanced fluid management technology and investigating transport phenomena in microfluidic system.
We also develop advanced flow field measurement technologies for investigating industrial flow phenomena and revealing hydrodynamic secrets of nature.
Open Positions
대학원 진학을 희망하는 학부 연구생을 수시로 모집하고 있으니 상담을 원하는 학생은 이메일 (h_kim@korea.ac.kr)을 주시기 바랍니다.
We have open positions for BSc/MSc projects as well as for PhD students. We are looking for self-motivated students who would like to conduct research at the frontier of fluid-dynamics. We particularly encourage students with a background in the following areas: mechanical engineering, material science, and bioengineering to apply directly to Prof. Hyejeong Kim (h_kim@korea.ac.kr). The successful applicants will have opportunities to develop excellent skills in various aspects including manufacturing, flow measurements, and image-based analysis.