method of levels online training

Ongoing International Online Method of Levels Training, 2020-2021

dr. Warren Mansell (Manchester University, UK) and dr. Eva de Hullu (Open University, NL).

Overview & Purpose

The purpose of this online course is to get started with MOL therapy, both by getting acquainted with Perceptual Control Theory, the theory behind MOL and practising MOL questions in interaction. This Open Online (free) course is offered to school staff, counsellors, therapists, mental health professionals, and others who work with people experiencing distress or mental health difficulties. This course is also suitable for anyone wanting to help people deal better with a current stressful situation, or interested in improving their overall wellbeing.

Learning objectives

  1. You will learn to understand the principles of control, conflict and reorganization.

  2. You will learn to use curious questioning to maintain the MOL goals of allowing the client to talk freely about his or her problems and notice disruptions to broaden client’s awareness.

Get Started right away

You can start anytime by reading the Preparation material, reading the recommended book chapters and watching the webinar video. If you plan to start around February 2021, please join the group and subscribe to our Introduction webinar on February 9th, 2021. Subscribe on Eventbrite to join the event.

Take a look at the schedule tab for current small training group sessions. These are open to participants of the webinar in October 2020 and February 2021, and those who took the effort to work through the materials on their own.

Method of Levels online course - preparation book

Recorded Webinar from the first run of this online training - October 2020.

If you subscribed to the February 2021 webinar, you shouldn't watch this video.