Workshop Programme

Seminar Programme


Presentations are scheduled for the afternoon European time to allow potential participation from both the East-coast USA and parts of Asia (all times in Eastern European Summer Time-EEST; CET+1, GMT+3, EST+7, PST+10).

7th July 2022

14:00-14:05 Welcome

14:05-15:00 Meteorites - an overview and a way of study (RN)

15:00-15:15 Break

15:15-16:00 Chondrites-Differentiated meteorites-Planet formation processes as suggested by meteorite`s data (JD)

16:00-16:15 Break

16:15-17:00 Impact cratering and shock metamorphism on Earth (LF)

17:00-17:15 Break

17:15-18:00 The Ultimate Meteorite Hunt: Mars Sample Return (SVB)

18:00-18:15 Break

18:15-18:35 Antarctica: Coldly Going Where Nobody Has Gone Before (SVB)

18:35-19:00 Recovering meteorites in Antarctica from a Greek perspective (IB)

19:00-19:15 Time for discussion

Instructors (in alphabetical order of the last name)

Ioannis Baziotis (IB) Agricultural University of Athens, Greece

Jasmeet K Dhaliwal (JD) UC Santa Cruz, USA

Ludovic Ferrière (LF) Natural History Museum Vienna, Austria

Robert Nicklas (RN) Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD

Scott VanBommel (SVB) Washington University in Saint Louis, USA


Ioannis Baziotis (IB) Agricultural University of Athens

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