
10:00 -10:10 Opening remarks, 

10:10 -10:40 Hiroshi Oike, University of Tokyo, "Similarity of metastable states formed by atoms and electrons"

10:40 -11:20 Hiroko Tokoro, University of Tsukuba, “Development of functionality originated from thermodynamic bistability” 

11:20 -12:00 Wenhao Sun, University of Michigan, “Predicting the synthesis and synthesizability of metastable materials” 

12:00 -13:30 lunch break

13:30 -14:00 Motoaki Hirayama, University of Tokyo, “First-principles material design for topological and strongly correlated electron systems” 

14:00 -14:30 Yuta Murakami, RIKEN CEMS, “Metastable states in photo-doped strongly correlated systems” 

14:30 -15:00 Keisuke Matsuura, Tokyo Institute of Technology, “Control of metastable states in materials with low-temperature hysteresis broadening”

15:00 -15:30 break

15:30 -16:00 Kodai Niitsu, National Institute for Materials Science, “A new concept of viscosuperelasticity for thermally activated martensitic transformations” 

16:00 -16:30 Akihiko Ikeda, University of Electro-Communications, “Metastability in phase transitions at above 100 T” 

16:30 -17:00 Free discussion & Closing remarks

30 minutes (15 minutes presentation + 15 minutes discussion)

40 minutes (20 minutes presentation + 20 minutes discussion)