Some folks may already be aware of Metasploitable, an intentionally vulnerable virtual machine designed for training, exploit testing, and general target practice. Unlike other vulnerable virtual machines, Metasploitable focuses on vulnerabilities at the operating system and network services layer instead of custom, vulnerable applications. I am happy to announce the release of Metasploitable 2, an even better punching bag for security tools like Metasploit, and a great way to practice exploiting vulnerabilities that you might find in a production environment.

Step 4:  Now that we have all the info related to the exploit that we need to use i.e. vsftpd_backdoor so now we can use Metasploit to exploit the machine and get access to the command shell. which will eventually give us access to the target machine.

Metasploitable 3 Virtual Machine Download

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Metasploitable 2 is a great machine to practice and learn about penetration testing and hacking, while it comes with so many vulnerabilities and flaws that you can keep on digging and make your pen testing skills better. Currently, another version of Metasploitable is also available you can also go with that the process of configuring and installation is the same as above.

The easiest way to get a target machine is to use Metasploitable 2, which is an intentionally vulnerable Ubuntu Linux virtual machine that is designed for testing common vulnerabilities. This virtual machine (VM) is compatible with VMWare, VirtualBox, and other common virtualization platforms.

I use a kind of POTATO LAPTOP with highly limited resources so when I installed Kali Linux I simply ruled out the idea of using a Virtual Machine (running an OS on an OS is resource-heavy, isnt it?).

Now, I want to install Metaspoitable 2:

1. Can I install it without a VM? (Probably I could not and maybe I should not)

2. Since I can not install Kali on my laptop in a VM (i don't want many kali, that's again a waste of space and resources), is there a VM that could be installed in a installed (not in VM) Kali LInux system? (like running metasploitable in VM along with Kali Linux as the base OS) - Maybe that does not make sense at all :(

Simplify interactions with virtual machines. Specifically, this was built to support automated testing by simplifying interaction with VMs. Currently, it supports VMWare Workstation through the vmrun.exe command-line application and ESXi through encapsulation of pyvmomi functions.

Before learning how to use the Metasploit Framework, we first need to make sure that our setup will meet or exceed the system requirements outlined in the following sections. Taking the time to properly prepare your Metasploit Lab Environment will help eliminate many problems before they arise later in the course. We highly recommend using a system that is capable of running multiple virtual machines to host your labs.

You will need to have, at minimum, 10 gigabytes of available storage space on your host. Since we are using virtual machines with large file sizes, this means that we are unable to use a FAT32 partition since large files are not supported in that filesystem, so be sure to choose NTFS, ext3, or some other filesystem format. The recommended amount of space needed is 30 gigabytes.

If you decided to create clones or snapshots of your virtual machine(s) as you progress through the course, these will also take up valuable space on your system. Be vigilant and do not be afraid to reclaim space as needed.

Failing to provide enough memory to your host and guest operating systems will eventually lead to system failure and/or result in being unable to launch your virtual machine(s). You are going to require RAM for your host OS as well as the amount of RAM that you are dedicating for each virtual machine. Use the guide below to help in deciding the amount of RAM required for your situation.

Before jumping in to the Metasploit Framework, we will need to have both an attacking machine (Kali Linux) and a victim machine (metasploitable 2) as well as a hypervisor to run both in a safe and secluded network environment.

Kali Linux is an advanced Penetration Testing and Security Auditing Linux distribution that will be used throughout this course. Kali Linux comes with Metasploit pre-installed along with numerous other security tools that you can try out against your victim machine. You can download the latest version of Kali at:

Metasploitable is an intentionally vulnerable Linux virtual machine that can be used to conduct security training, test security tools, and practice common penetration testing techniques. The VM will run on any recent VMware products and other visualization technologies such as VirtualBox. You can download the image file of Metasploitable 2 from SourceForge.

Microsoft has made a number of virtual machines available that can be downloaded to test Microsoft Edge and different versions of Internet Explorer. We will be able to use these VMs when working with some of the exploits and tools available in Metasploit. You can download the VMs from the following URL:

I have installed a metasploitable 2 VM on my virtual box penetesting lab. I used the download straight from Rapid7's website and still I am having issues. The VM is also setup using a internal network that I setup for all of the VM's to communicate. It has been stuck at starting up for the past hour. I have also tried to reinstall the VM, but still no luck. If you have any answers on how to make it run please responnd. This is what has looked like for the past hour

I had this problem also, and it seemed to be due to the vmdk file being on another HD from VirtualBox. I copied it over to the C drive where virtual box was, deleted the old VM that wasn't working and started a new one with the copied vmdk.

I am quite new, and following along with a textbook, the results of the text are different than my own, with nmap reporting several ports on the metasploitable vm being open (obviously, as it was designed to be vulnerable). Is there something in my networking setup that is incorrectly done? I used the ifconfig eth0 up to set up the network configuration for each machine.

I'm making a hackers lab, so I downloaded Kali Linux and Metasploitable and set them on VirtualBox running on a Windows 10 host machine. The host system is using a wired connection, which both guests also must use. The host has full internet access.

I have installed metasploitable on a virtual machine using vcenter. I had set it up and was trying to configure a static IP address to ethernet interface.When running ifconfig, there was no eth0 interface and only loopback interface appear.However, Here's my /etc/network/interfaces :

and restart every time the network service but I get the same error.

I had tried also to set a static IP address to eth0 and restart also the network service but it still the same problem always.Apparently, my machine does not have eth0 at all are there any other ways to resolve this problem ?

And in order to connect to the Machine I either start the machine from VirtualBox directly so I get a "head" (get a virtual screen) or using headless with RDP enabled (so I can connect using some sort of RemoteDesktop client to connect to VirtualBox and get the Virtual monitor remotely).

Simpler instructions for VirtualBox:Open the VirtualBox Manager, select your virtual machine. Then choose settings for this machine, network and change the dropdown that says "NAT" to "bridged" a new dropdown will be activated where you have to select what network (card) it should bridge with.Once this is done, simply "Start" the virtual machine, log in to it and if it is linux/unix use "ip addr show" from a console, if it is windows start a "cmd" and use "ipconfig" (or check from the control panel)

I'd actually disagree with most here and advise you to go to host only mode. This means go to File > Preferences > Network and click on the add adapter button. This creates a virtual network interface on your computer.

At that point you can go to your vulnerable VM > settings > network > Host-only adapter. This means only your main PC which is running the VM or other virtual machines can interact with the VM. You still get separate IP addresses etc, but you should really never have deliberately vulnerable machines on your live network. It will be perfectly suitable for pen testing, and is infact the recommended setting for deliberately vulnerable VM's such as metasploitable.

For penetration testing or any cybersecurity activity it's better to have a Linux based operating system running on our systems. 

If you don't have any Linux OS installed on your machine, You can install Kali Linux on a virtualbox like Oracle VM VirtualBox.

Kali-Linux Network Connection is set to NAT. Following is the output of ifconfig and ping command showing this VM can talk to the internet but neither can ping metasploitable nor it can discover it.

Hi @donovansi, metasploitable is a test VM. It is just for people to try to get access to it. It is built for being hacked. If you make it NAT, then it will not be accessible by other VMs. The other way of accessing metasploitable VM is to do ssh to the VM from your base machine.

In conclusion, yes, doing a bridge makes the VM vulnerable and also your base system vulnerable if the VM has any malicious program. You should know when to do a bridge and when to do NAT. For metasploitable type of VM or any other vulnerable VMs from vulnhub or similar sites, doing bridge is good. But if you have any VM that has some malware that you are analyzing, then it is not acceptable to do bridge; otherwise, it can infect your base machine.

Now, coming to our case (i.e., running malicious VMs), you should do it on Host-only. With this, the other VMs (on Host-Only) can interact with your malicious VM along with your host machine but not any other systems on your physical network.

VMWare Workstation 15 Player: I have tried creating a new virtual machine and opening a virtual machine. In following the guide here: Opens a new window, using the Metasploitable.vmx file, I get the error: "VMware Player and Device/Credential Guard are not compatible. VMware Player can be run after disabling Device/Credential Guard. Please visit _CG_DG Opens a new window for more details." I click OK and then: "Error while powering on: Transport (VMDB) error - 14: Pipe connection has been broken." 006ab0faaa

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