The Metasploit Framework offers a script called db_autopwn that automates the exploit matching process, executes the appropriate exploit if match found, and gives us remote shell. However, before you try this script, a few of the following things need to be considered:

Hi Guys, 

I started this thread to have more discussion about automating similar attacks, in this video i managed (after lots of work and fight) to first get ruby run properly then Metasploit framework installed and running + connected it to Postgresql database + db_autopwn running properly on my BashBunny, scanning the bunny IP range with db_nmap, then pass the scan results to metasploit exploitation module and bingo, we can exploit a fully locked devices which running vulnerable OSes/Services.

Warning: The video is super long (you are free to escape some minutes) because of the humble specifications of the BashBunny device (i wish we can get an upgraded BashBunny 2.0 with at least 1 or 2 GB of memory and more faster processor for these kind of heavy stuff)

Any questions i'm ready to answer!

Metasploit |nmap Db Autopwn

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Long story short, you have a device on the target network, install meterpreter on your device and connect back to your metasploit desktop at home. meterpreter already has pivot functionality that would allow your desktop to launch exploits like autopwn onto the target network using your bash-bunny-meterpreter as a tcp pivot point.

the point of this, your little devices trying to run metasploit is like a slug racing a rabbit... its just not practical. The performance gains of simply using your turtle as a tcp relay point are huge.

I mentioned this before, it is much better to figure out what you want out of Meta and Bunnyize it to a much smaller the payload designed for just that autopwm and not the autopwn plus the whole huge library Meta brings with it. Ruby has more overhead on load too so yeah.

Ive been using metasploit through the cli and a little through armitage. The tool in armitage to find attacks that gives you attacks that are more likely to work is quite useful, so i was wondering what is the cli command to run that if there is one.

There used to be an autopwn option in Metasploit which would do what you are looking for but only target browsers. However, just like the name in Armitage implies, it selects a large set of exploits, fire it at the target and hope for the best. However, exploitation if not done correctly can do more harm than good. For example, an SMB exploit which has a wrong target selected can crash the SMB service which require manual restart of the machine in order to fix. It means not only will the person attacking the machine won't get a session but it can be easily detected as well. Based upon these concerns, the autopwn functionality has been deprecated. Metasploit now has the AutoPwn2 module which targets only browser based exploits but in a lot smarter way. This is better in the sense that exploits are only fired if the target is fingerprinted correctly and then modules are fired based upon their ranks which means more reliable exploits are attempted first. This way if you are targeting a flash exploit, you don't need to be worried about the architecture and OS details of the connected users and the module will take care of it.

As a matter of fact, the exploitation phase will depend directly from the information gathering phase, so don't limit the joy of exploitation to the automatic tool to do the job for you. They are plenty of exploits out that are not included in metasploit/armitage and you will need to find it "out there", always its a good idea to look in famous places like exploit database always read a exploit and understand what it do, and how before use it, you can harm yourself or others

In this article we will examine the effectiveness of metasploit browser autopwn module.The basic idea behind that module is that it creates a web server in our local machine which will contain different kind of browser exploits.When the user will open the malicious link then the execution of the exploits will start against the browser of the user and if one of the exploits is successful a meterpreter session will open.

In order to use this attack we have to open the metasploit framework and to use the browser_autopwn module.In the next image you can see the available options and default settings for this module.

Now we can share the link through our email to our client employees.If any user opens the malicious link,the autopwn module will try all these exploits in order to see if it can break into the client.If the browser is vulnerable to any of these exploits meterpreter sessions will open.

Browser based attacks are not stable.This is because browsers can crash which means that the meterpreter session or the shell access will lost.For that reason the metasploit will try to migrate with a another process more stable as soon as possible.

One of the features added in the 3.2 release of the Metasploit Framework was the ability to restrict the db_autopwn command to specific ports and modules matching a given regular expression. This feature can be used to run one or more exploits against a specific range of hosts at the same time.

To speed up our test, we will use db_nmap command with a very narrow set of search requirements. In this case, we want to find every machine with port 445 open on the target subnet. One of the quickest ways to accomplish this is by using the flag combination below:

Finally, we execute the db_autopwn command, with the -e option to specify exploitation, the -p option to specify port-based matching, the -b option to select the bindshell payload, and the -m option to only run modules with the string "ms08_067" in their name:

@Cluffy : nmap scan returns "unable to detect OS" after a successful scan, it couldn't be a "strange printer". I'm still testing this and i already know the OS. I was just curious as to why it wasen't detected..One other thing, after nmap scan, printers look like printers in the workspace.Also routers may look like a printer in the workspace....Did i miss something in translation?

Probably you misunderstood what I wanted to say (my bad), for "strange printer" (I definitely had to use a better term there) I meant a printer which vendor is not famous therefore nmap doesn't find it in its database of fingerprints, not that printers have OSes like computers do (or maybe I misunderstood your last point).

Being able to connect to a remote metasploit server looks great... It gave me an idea. lets say i install metasploit on someone's computer(1), make it run stealthily and i config port forwarding on their router to make the machine accessible. Does that mean i could be running armitage from anywhere and the machine actually issuing commands (if i have a meterpreter shell) would be computer(1)? Doesnt that look awesome as a way to conceal yourself?

With Metasploit started, I decided to use the db_autopwn functionality to almost completely automate exploitation of the target. I create a sqlite3 database, tell Metasploit to scan the target with Nmap, then use db_autopwn to exploit the target.


Now I need a port scanner - nmap is the obvious option as I am familiar with it and it is probably the best around. I am using version 3 with gui. I think that the problem with making nmap portable is winpcap. I'm not an expert, but youd probably have to include all winpcap files (mostly found in c://windows/system32) and include them in the nmap folder. Then you would have to tell nmap to search for winpcap in its own folder, instead of system32. Nmap includes no .ini file. It is open source


metasploit is a framework for writing exploit code and executing it. It is written in ruby, and bundled with the ruby interpreter. Most importantly, it is open source, and as far as I know it has no dependencies. This would probably be the easiest to make portable.

The drivers that come with Windows don't support the kind of analysis that nmap or wireshark are designed to do. There are probably some features that would work with the standard drivers; perhaps we could list "features that work" and "features that don't work" if you use a restricted account on a machine that doesn't have the driver installed.

First of all, to make an app portable, you mainly need to make it not leave any registry entries, or any other files on the pc (except maybe cache). Most apps are like that. To test, you can use regshot. And second, I searched PortableFreewareand foundhref=" =270">this port scanner. It is tested to be portable (just install it, copy the files, then uninstall). For nessus, I do not know what a vuln scanner is (not in the dictionary). And metasploit, you can use regshot on it and see if it doesn't leave reg entries or anything of that matter. And never forget, a searching really helps people with time management.

P.S. Welcome to the forums be457b7860

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