Rules & Regulations

To ensure the safety and enjoyment of this park by all in the community,
visitors are asked to follow the rules and regulations and signs posted by Meta.

The rules address normal operating conditions. Emergency or unusual circumstances may require Meta to make deviations from the rules. Meta may use lawful means to remove any person who creates a public nuisance, violates the rules, or commits any crime in the open space.

Key Rules Summary

  • No dogs or any animals allowed. Find a list of dog-friendly trails here.

  • Open space is for public access and is not reservable for private events.

  • No group gatherings of 20 or more (does not apply to Meta-sponsored events in the open space).

  • Commercial activities and solicitations not associated with Meta-sponsored activities are prohibited.

  • Organized team sports are not allowed.

  • No drones or other unmanned aircraft systems (UAS).

  • No commercial photography, filming or recording is allowed.

  • Loud radios, amplified sound systems and the playing of amplified musical instruments are not permitted (does not apply to Meta-sponsored programming in the open space).

  • Camping or any tent set-up is not allowed.

  • Fires, smoking, alcohol, drug use, weapons and graffiti of any kind are prohibited.

  • Obstructing any sidewalk or public way is not allowed.

  • Rollerblading, skateboarding or similar activities are not permitted.

  • Bicycles are permitted only on paved roadways and in established parking areas.

  • Motorized vehicles are not allowed unless directed otherwise by Meta staff or emergency personnel.

  • Signage restricted to park rules, history, wildlife, views and visitor safety.

  • Plants and wildlife to be left undisturbed.

  • Littering is prohibited.

Open Space Comprehensive Rules

These Open Space Rules (“Rules”) have been prepared by Hibiscus Properties LLC (“Owner”) to facilitate the enjoyment of the Open Space located at the Meta Bayfront Campus (“Open Space”) for passive recreation and are subject to update and change from time to time. These Rules address normal operating conditions; emergency or unusual circumstances may necessitate deviations from these Rules.

  1. Rules and Signs to Be Obeyed. People using the Open Space must comply with the Rules and any signs posted by Owner.

  2. Removal of Persons. Owner may use lawful means to remove any person who creates a public nuisance, violates the Rules, or commits any crime in the Open Space.

  3. Hours of Operation. The Open Space’s hours of operation are from Sunrise to 8pm. No person may enter or stay in the Open Space outside of the hours of operation (unless invited in connection with an Owner-sponsored event). In addition, no person may enter or stay in the Open Space when it is closed as set forth in Section 4 and Section 5. From time to time these hours may change with City of Menlo Park approval.

  4. Open Space Closure. The Open Space or any portion thereof may be closed, in Owner's sole and reasonable discretion, at any time in case of emergency, for security or safety needs, or for maintenance or repair.

  5. Owner-Initiated Programming and Events. Owner in its sole discretion may temporarily close the Open Space to sponsor community programming and events. During Owner-sponsored events, Owner may use amplified sound and permit commercial photography (at Owner’s discretion), notwithstanding the Rules.

  6. Prohibited Activities.

6.1 Team Sports. Organized team sports are not allowed in the Open Space.

6.2 Performances and Gatherings. No person may conduct or participate in a gathering or performance of any kind involving [twenty (20)] or more persons. This provision does not apply to Owner-sponsored events in the Open Space.

6.3 Obstructing Any Sidewalk, Passageway, or Other Public Way. No person or group may obstruct the free passage of any person on any sidewalk, passageway, or other portion of the Open Space.

6.4. Wheeled Equipment. No person may bring any motorized wheeled conveyances, including but not limited to trucks and cars into the Open Space, except with permission of Owner. Motorized wheelchairs may be brought into the Open Space. Rollerblading, skateboarding, and similar activities are not permitted in the Open Space.

Bicycles are permitted only on paved roadways and in established parking areas.

6.5. Smoking. Smoking is not allowed in the Open Space.

6.6. Amplified Sound. Amplified sound is not allowed in the Open Space.

6.7 Drones. The operation of drones and other self-propelled vehicles is not allowed in the Open Space except by public safety officials in response to a public safety emergency.

6.8. Photography, Video, or Recording. Commercial photography, filming, or recording is not allowed in the Open Space.

6.9 Fighting, Disturbing Peace, Offensive Words. Unlawful fighting, the malicious and willful disturbance of others by loud and unreasonable noise, and the use of offensive words which are likely to provoke a violent reaction are not permitted in the Open Space.

6.10 Destruction of Property. No person may deface or damage real or personal property located in the Open Space.

6.11 Littering and Disposal of Waste. Littering is prohibited in the Open Space.

6.12 Commercial Activity. No person may engage in any commercial activity in the Open Space, except by permission of Owner.

6.13 Animals. No person may bring any animals into the Open Space, except for service animals recognized under Titles II and III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

6.14 Consumption of Alcohol, Drugs, and/or Controlled Substances. No person may consume alcoholic beverages of any kind in the Open Space, except that alcohol may be served in conjunction with community programming or events described in Section 5. No person may consume or be under the influence of drugs or controlled substances while in the Open Space.

6.15 Weapons and Fireworks. No person may carry any firearms or possess any instrument or substance designed or adopted for use as a weapon, except for sworn law enforcement officers [or private security personnel hired by Owner.] Fireworks are prohibited in the Open Space.

6.16 Camping. Camping is prohibited in the Open Space.

6.17 Throwing or Propelling Objects. No person may throw or propel objects of a potentially dangerous nature within the Open Space.

6.18. Fire. Fires are not permitted in the Open Space.

6.19 Clothing Required. No person may enter the Open Space unless fully clothed.

6.20 Graffiti. No person may possess, carry, or use graffiti or etching tools, etching cream, or slap tags in the Open Space.

6.21 Children. No parent, guardian, or custodian of a minor may permit or allow the minor to violate the Rules.