Mayfield Retrofit

The Mission

Metamorphia's research model explores transforming public spaces into manifestations of Carl Jung's individuation journey. By addressing modern community traumas, we aim to convert existing structures into environments that assist individuals in self-discovery and evolution, pioneering the next generation of architectural interventions.


Reflection is the first step in Metamorphia's retrofit model, dedicated to fostering self-reflection. Designed for deep introspection, it features journaling lounges for capturing thoughts, meditation halls for mindfulness practice, and bespoke studios for dream analysis. This space serves as a gateway for visitors, promoting continuous engagement with their inner selves. The space includes an exhibition celebrating the transformative power of reflection, bridging therapy cabins and self-realisation areas, and offering a tranquil environment to start the journey towards self-realisation.


The Shadow Space focuses on addressing the suppressed parts of ourselves, offering trauma-informed therapy cabins and the Perception Pavilion to make therapy accessible. This space promotes a safe environment for exploring and confronting hidden aspects of the psyche with confidence. To balance the intense work of shadow integration, the Sensory Pavilion provides a calming retreat with immersive art and a rooftop garden, aiding in processing and reconciling discoveries. This space supports the journey towards understanding and integrating the full spectrum of the self, fostering authenticity and inner harmony.

Evolution > Revolution


Step three in the Metamorphia model focuses on unlearning and relearning. Using a Library typology curated materials on archetypes and self-improvement, and hosting workshops to deepen self-awareness and enhance personal and interpersonal growth. Designed for introspection and dialogue, its labyrinthine bookshelves lead to the 'Enlightenment Grove,' a serene reading area. The expansive area stimulates thought and reflection, fostering a welcoming environment for shedding outdated beliefs and embracing transformative knowledge, crucial for achieving psychological wholeness.

Self Realisation

The Self-Realisation Space empowers community members through personal and collective expression. Twelve residents are given 12-month residencies annually, managing artist markets and flexible studio spaces. They create sustainable, personal studios using recycled materials from our Metamorphia Recycle Centre. Mobile studios allow for creative work in natural settings, ensuring environmental connection. This space fosters a thriving creative economy, making Metamorphia a sustainable, collaborative hub where residents play crucial roles in its growth and vibrancy, blending work and home into a cohesive, supportive community.