Privacy Policy

Meta Monster Action Game Town, its subsidiaries and its affiliates ("Company" or "We" or "Us" or "Our") respect the privacy of its users ("User" or "You"). We are committed to protecting our User's Information. We believe that you have a right to know our practices regarding what information we collect for Admob or third party Advertisement serving technologies, and Google Analytics for collecting Games statistics we use in our Games, and under what circumstances, if any; how we use it.


If we change or modify our privacy policy, we will post those changes to this privacy policy page. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO CHANGE OR MODIFY THIS PRIVACY POLICY AT ANY TIME.

BY PLAYING OUR GAMES, YOU AGREE THE TERMS & CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THIS PRIVACY POLICY, including the possible collection and processing of your Personal Information (as defined below).


We collect and process the following information which may include your personal data.

a) Information provided by you when using the Games

We may collect the following information from you when you play our Games:

your mobile device’s unique device ID (Device ID);

your user preferences

b) Information used for the purposes of serving advertisements

(“Advertising Data”)

Through our third-party advertising network partners, we may gather information about your devices when you install or play our Games, depending on the permissions you’ve granted. This may include:

the make, model, and operating system of your device; the mobile network operator linked to your device; the country, time zone, and locale settings on your device (i.e. country and preferred language); network connection type and speed; IP Address; MAC address; internet browser used to access the Games; and the advertiser ID, which is an identifier unique to you if you use an Apple or Android device, but which doesn’t reveal your name.

c) Information collected for the purposes of providing analytics


We may collect technical information about your use of the Online Services through the use of tracking technologies and analytics.

Personal data we may collect includes the following:

your Device ID; your user ID (which is generated by us and allocated to you when you first play our games); your device operating system & version; your device make and model; gameplay attempts, progression, and results; session game time start, end, and duration; the time, date and install source of your first download (e.g. from a clicked advertisement); advertisements viewed and clicked; and identification of crashes and defects.

d) Information about you collected from third parties

(“Third Party Login Information”)

When you access the Games via a third party social media provider such as Facebook, we may collect and store personal and non-personal information which is available on that third party social media provider, such as your Facebook name, your profile picture or its URL, your Facebook ID and other public data of your friends, provided that you have expressly agreed to the use of Facebook within the Games. We will also receive technical data in order to ensure the Games connect to the correct Facebook account.


a) To provide our Games to you

b) To help us improve the Online Services and fix any problems

We may process information about you (including Basic Information, User Content and Analytics) so that we can analyze and improve our Games and Online Services.

c) To acquire new users and engage current users

We may process information (including some Advertising Data and Analytics) to encourage engagement from our less active users and to notify them with new virtual items or other promotions on offer.

We may also process this information to pursue our legitimate interests of acquiring new users for our Games.

d) To improve the monetization of the Games via in-app purchases

We may process information (including Basic Information, User Content, Advertising Data and Analytics) to understand how users use our Games and to compile statistical reports regarding that activity, as well as understanding how users progress, and their current status within a Game. This processing is necessary for us to pursue our legitimate interests of improving the Games and increasing the amount of revenue generated via in-app purchases.

e) For advertising purposes

We may process Advertising Data to show you advertisements for third-party services; including advertising that may reward you with benefits during your use of the Games.

We will not pass or process your information for the purposes of marketing by third parties unless you give your consent should we ask for it. After you have given your consent, you may withdraw it at any time.

We may use the information we collect about you to serve you targeted advertisements in our Games. We do this to provide you with more relevant advertising content. We work with the following third-party advertising networks :

Unity –

Google –

Facebook Ads -

Flurry -

Adcolony -

Tapjoy -

chartboost -

Supersonic/IronSource -

InMobi -

Mobvista -

Vungle -

If you would like to find out more about the way these third parties collect and process your information please refer to their respective privacy policies and/or terms and conditions by clicking on the links provided above.

Non Personal Information:

Meta Monster Action Game Town allows Third parties to collect nonpersonal information or non-identifiable information ("Non-Personal Information").

To put it simply, with respect to such Non Personal Information we have no idea what is the identity of the User from which Third Parties have collected the Non-personal Information.

Non Personal Information collected by Third Parties may include the following technical information:

Type of operation system, Type of browser, Screen resolution, Language, Device Vendor, Geo-location – only general location may be collected. No street name or city/town name is collected.

Meta Monster Action Game Town allows Third Parties collection of Non-Personal Information for strict and limited purposes.

Persistent User Identifier and No Other Personal Information:

Third Parties may also collect from Users a persistent User identifier. Meta Monster Action Game Town allows for this information to be collected strictly for internal operations of the Service including serving You with contextual advertisement ("contextual advertisements" are ads that are served to you without connection to any behavioral elements).

Meta Monster Action Game Town does not allow Third Parties to collect information that may identify an individual (other than the persistent User identifier which is collected for the limited purpose of internal operations of the Service) nor does it allow the collection of any information of private and/or sensitive nature ("Personal Information").

Meta Monster Action Game Town does not allow any personal information to be linked to the persistent identifier, even from other services.

Ad Serving Technology

Meta Monster Action Game Town may employ proprietary or third-party ad serving technologies that may use cookies, tracking pixels, or other technologies to collect information as a result of ad serving through our Games as well as to help track results. Some dynamic in-game advertisement serving technology enables advertising to be temporarily uploaded into your Game, mobile device and replaced while you are online. We or third parties operating the advertisement serving technology may use information such as age and gender as well as information logged from your hardware or device to ensure that appropriate advertising is presented within the Games and to calculate or control the number of unique and repeat views of a given ad, and/or deliver ads that relate to your interests and measure the effectiveness of ad campaigns. We or third parties may collect data for this purpose including device ID's, information about your software, applications, and hardware, browser information (and/or information passed via your browser), hardware, machine or device make and model, advertisement(s) served, in-game location, length of time an advertisement was visible, other Internet and website usage information, web pages and mobile internet sites which have been viewed by you (as well as date and time), domain type, size of the advertisement, advertisement response (if any), and angle of view. The foregoing data may be used and disclosed per this policy and the privacy policy of the company providing the ad serving technology.

These ad-serving technologies are integrated into our Games; if you do not want to use this technology, do not play.

Analytic Metrics Tools and Other Technologies

Meta Monster Action Game Town also uses Google Analytics, a web analytic service offered by Google Inc. ("Google") as an analytic metrics tool in our Games to collect information when User plays our Games on mobile devices. Google Analytics uses "Cookies", text files that are stored on your device and that enable the analysis of your usage of the game you are currently playing or games you play. The information about your usage is collected through these cookies and will be transmitted to and stored on Google servers based in the US.

On behalf of Meta Monster Action Game Town, Google will use this information in order to evaluate your usage of games played or currently playing, to make reports on game activities and/or to provide us with statistics related to the games.

Information Sharing

We may share Information only in the following cases:

(a) to satisfy any applicable law, regulation, legal process, subpoena or governmental request; (b) to enforce this Privacy Policy or the Terms of Use, including investigation of potential violations thereof; (c) to detect, prevent, or otherwise address fraud, security or technical issues; (d) to respond to claims that any content published on the Service violates any right of a third party; (f) to protect the rights, property, or personal safety of the Company, its Users or the general public; (g) when Company is undergoing any change in control, including by means of merger, acquisition or purchase of all or substantially all of the assets of Company; (h) pursuant to your approval, in order to supply certain services You have requested from Company; (i) to let our partners and affiliates serve You with contextual advertisements only;


We take great care in maintaining the security of the Service and your information and in preventing unauthorized access to it through industry standard technologies and internal procedures, including through the use of encryption mechanisms.

In-App Purchase (IAP)

We provide some features or items to be bought or unlocked as in game or app purchases through the mechanism provided by the app store (Google, Apple etc.).

Questions and Feedback

If You have any questions concerning this Privacy Policy, You are most welcome to send us an email to the following address: and we will make an effort to reply within a reasonable time frame.