Lessons dedicated to musicians

interested in metal music production

You practice rock/metal guitar, bass, drums, vocals... and would like to write your own songs for your band, your own production... but need help to record it, add other instruments, produce a demo song by yourself... You can propose riff ideas and we will work to turn them into a complete song. You must have a minimum of skills in terms of practicing your instrument, know how to play with a metronome and use a computer with a DAW. I am working with Cubase but we can do it with any kind of software. For more informations, you can send a mail : stephunsafe@gmail.com

Lessons can be in either English or French.

Session Musician

If you need a bass line or guttural vocals recordings for your songs, don't hesitate to contact me. Any kind of rock/metal style for bass, only thrash death for vocals.

Clic on "Book Now" for more details.

I am a french musician, playing metal music since 30 years.

I learned by myslef :


I founded the french thrash death metal band UNSAFE with Lionel (guitar) in 1998 and we still play today. I composed 70 songs for the 8 albums we have already released. 


I founded Chaos Rising in 2019. It's an all-female international collaborative metal project. More than 40 musicians have already joined us, we produce metal songs in different metal music style. The goal is to promote women in music.
