Five Senses Education Pty Ltd  

Australian educational publisher and seller of Meryl Brown Tobin's last four educational puzzle books.

Ginninderra Press

Home (

‘A small but significant publisher of small but significant books’, Ginninderra Press is an award-winning independent publisher set up to provide opportunities for new and emerging authors as well as authors writing in unfashionable genres or on non-mainstream subjects.  

Australian publisher and seller of Meryl Brown Tobin's chapbook of environmental poems Changing Landscape.

The Wild Rose Press Inc

The Wild Rose Press Inc

NY publisher of romance, mainstream and women’s fiction and other genres.

Publisher of Meryl Brown Tobin’s debut novel Broome Enigma 



Bass Coast Post

Local community news e-publication.

Australian publisher of many of Meryl Brown Tobin's environmental and other articles.


Free XpresSion (site undergoing an update)

Australian publisher/editor Peter Pike who publishes poems, articles, short stories and other material espousing traditional values.

Publisher of many of Meryl Brown Tobin's short stories, poems (Including illustrated haiku), articles, book reviews, comics and comic strips.

Link to the October, 2023 issue of Free Xpression for up-to-date information: 



Australian publisher/editor Cheryl Howard publishes poetry and imaginative, creative nonfiction.  

Publisher of some of Meryl Brown Tobin's poems.


Positive Words

Australian publisher/editor Sandra James publishes poems, short stories, articles, writing hints and fillers and regularly runs literary competitions.

Publisher of many of Meryl Brown Tobin's short stories, poems, book reviews.

The Mozzie

See review in The Mozzie – Colleen Keating - colleen keating (

Contact  Publisher/Editor Ron Heard on for details.

Australian publisher of many of Meryl Brown Tobin's poems.

Along the Waterline: Bass Coast (formerly The Waterline News)

Waterline ( 

Local community news print and electronic publication.

 Australian publisher of many of Meryl Brown Tobin's environmental and other articles, short stories, poems and book reviews.



Anastasia Abboud

Anastasia Abboud is a romance writer who believes in true love and that love conquers all and that everyone has something to offer. Her writing reflects these beliefs. On her blog she also features other writers and their books.

   Vicky Burkholder

  Vicky Burkholder writes fantasy, science fiction, paranormal and romance novels and novellas. She also writes book          reviews which she posts on her blog. 

 Darlene Deluca

 Darlene Deluca writes contemporary novels that are about women and their relationships – what brings them together or keeps them apart.  She also hosts other writers and their books on her blog.

  Christine Grayden

  Home (

  Christine Grayden  is an Australian writer, researcher and historian. who has written for the media in Bass Coast for            decades. In   2019 she won 1st prize in the Bass Coast non- fiction writing competition.  On her website she promotes         local writers and artists and their works and various cultural activities in Bass Coast, particularly on Phillip Island.

   L.B. Griffin

   L.B. Griffin writes moving romances and raises social issues rarely spoken about but that readers can identify with and     empathise with. Though they would not realise they are, her women are strong, courageous survivors. She also                  features books by fellow authors on her blog, columns-wide/.

   Joy Herring

   Australian writer, Joy Herring is well-known in rescue animal circles for her book 'Letters From a Little Black Cat and          other rescue stories'.

 Helen C. Johannes   

 An award-winning fantasy author inspired by fairy tales she grew up reading and historical places she's     visited, Helen Johannes creates stories of adventure and romance in fully realized worlds sprung from her imagination and lifelong interest in history, culture, and literature. She also hosts other writers and their books on her blog.

   Lauraine McDonald

   Former circus performer, solo sailor and adventure junkie and former journalist, now semi-retired, Lauraine McDonald        has written her first book, “Misplaced in Europe".  Based on her own experiences, it is part-memoir, part-travelogue            non- fiction humor.

Chrissie Michaels

Chrissie Michaels writes short stories, poetry, children's and young adult fiction, and educational texts.

 Margaret Pearce

 Prolific writer Margaret Pearce writes short stories, poetry, children's and young adult fiction and educational texts.

    Jill Piscitello

    Jill Piscitello writes cozy mysteries and heartwarming, sweet romance novels. She also features books by fellow                authors on her blog, Sentiments:

 D.V. Stone

 D.V. Stone - D. V. Stone Author of Fantasy and Contemporary Romance ( 

 D.V. Stone is an award-winning, multi-genre, traditionally and independently published author who writes    romance,fantasy, paranormal, contemporary and mid-grade stories about the importance of friends and family. She also  hosts 'Around the Fire', a weekly blog where she introduces authors and their books. See D.V. Stone - Around The Fire  Book and Author Blog ( 

Nenia Tavrou OAM

Nenia Tavrou OAM writes poetry, adult and children's fiction and non-fiction often inspired by her real-life experiences, as was her book 'A Humorous look at living with Epilepsy'. She is also a long-time member and editor of a Society of Women Writers poetry postal workshop of which Meryl Brown Tobin was also a long-time member.


 Brenda Whiteside

 Brenda Whiteside writes character-driven novels rich in love, hate, suspense, and mystery and runs an author Discover  blog on  On her blog she also hosts other writers and their books.


Bhavna Khanna

Instagram: @bhavkhanna_art and Bluethumb art, search for 'Bhavna Khanna'.

Bhavna Khanna, a NSW based artist, specialises in painting using mixed media and uses bold colours and elements in nature in an abstract way. A finalist in the Paddington Art Prize, she has designed book covers including the 2023 issue of 'Sparx', an anthology of writing from the Society of Women Writers, Victoria.



 Australian Society of Authors Inc of which Meryl Brown Tobin is a member.

   Copyright Agency   a not-for-profit organisation that provides simple licensing solutions to allow use of    copyright-protected words and images. Fees from licences are paid to creator members. Meryl Brown Tobin is a                 member.

Geelong Writers of which Meryl Brown Tobin is a member


The Society of Women Writers Victoria Inc of which Meryl Brown Tobin is a member and one-time President



Writers' Victoria