Also before I begin. I was able to catch a few preview of the season 4 premiere episode of Shameless before it comes out on Sunday, January 12th. That being said, I am ready to review it but I want to give everyone a chance to at least watch it. You will see my review posted on Monday. I will not be including who plays each character, if you want to know this, please check out IMDB.

We start this episode simply with Merlin being sent on an errand for Gaius. He needs to pick up a book from the Royal Library. The book, after Merlin figures out where it is in the unorganized mess, is the on the top shelf. Merlin has no choice but to climb the bookshelf and this is where he finds a secret lever to a secret room. The room has clearly been forgotten by whomever had it made. Inside is a lot of unless junk but some old magic books too. While Merlin is exploring this room, he hears a voice coming from inside a container. Inside of the container is a Goblin, that Merlin accidentally sets free.

Merlin Season 3 Episode 8 Download


Gaius tells Uther all about the Goblin and that Merlin was completely innocent. Merlin is pardoned by Uther and Arthur puts the container is the vaults of Camelot so no one can let the Goblin back out.

While Gwaine is out exploring Camelot, the two disguised Knights arrive in Camelot and Arthur introduces them to Merlin as Sir Oswald and Sir Ethan. Arthur tells the two to ask for Merlin if they need anything and they quickly take advantage of this and work Merlin to the bone. When Merlin returns home exhausted, Gaius informs him that Sir Oswald was never this way before and always treated people as equal. At the same time, Gwen comes to find Merlin because Gwaine has gottan himself into some trouble at the tavern. He is unable to pay the bills he earned and in order to help Merlin tells the owner to bill Arthur. What could go wrong right? Well Arthur gets the bill quickly and in order to punish Merlin and Gwaine, he makes them polish all of the boots from the Knights of Camelot.

With this being a very true statement, Uther tells the banishment still stands. Gwaine must leave Camelot. He tells Merlin that he would only be a Knight for Arthur and he hopes that one day that is happen. Gwaine tells Merlin goodbye and as he is leaving runs into Gwen. Arthur and Merlin are watching from the Castle and it becomes clear that Arthur is very jealous of the friendship Gwaine and Gwen share. 152ee80cbc

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