Dermatologists Main Line Services In Philadelphia

We usually detect the earliest indications of age and exposure to the weather on our faces. Our genetics and bone structure can also play a role. Face plastic surgery encompasses all types of changes to your facial features and can address one or more indicators of aging at the same time. Our plastic surgeon also does reconstructive surgeries for men, women, and children who have had facial injuries in an accident, giving him additional knowledge and skills to use during your cosmetic surgery. The majority of their facial procedures at Dermatologist Main Line are performed to correct noticeable signs of aging on the forehead, brow, face, and neck, while others are performed to correct disproportionate parts of the face, such as a tiny chin or large ears. The majority of treatments are done as outpatient procedures, which means you may go home the same day. Dermatologist Philadelphia offers a variety of facial treatments, including:

Moles (Nevi)

Moles are brown or black growths that can form anywhere on the skin and are generally circular or oval. They might be rough or smooth, flat or elevated, and single or many in appearance. They form when melanocytes, the cells responsible for skin pigmentation, grow in clusters rather than spreading out throughout the skin. Moles are typically smaller than a quarter-inch in diameter. Although most moles occur before the age of 20, others may appear later in life. The average adult has between 10 and 40 moles. Moles can endure up to 50 years and may eventually vanish on their own.

Neck Lift

Many patients who choose a neck lift also choose a facelift to treat jowling and the lower face, in addition to the neck. This is the ideal mix for getting the best results. A neck lift tightens not just the sagging skin but also the underlying muscle of the neck for long-lasting benefits. This gives you a more youthful appearance and corrects "turkey neck," as it is known.


Since the 1990s, when the results were often artificial and overdone, the classic facelift has gone a long way. This technique not only lifts drooping skin and muscles of the face but also adds volume to the face by fat grafting, a step that is often overlooked in facelifts and results in an artificial appearance if not completed. The end effect of this combination procedure is a younger-looking version of yourself that lasts. A neck lift is frequently performed at the same time as a facelift.

Laser Neck Lift

Laser neck lifts address excess fat in the neck and moderate loose skin by encouraging the formation of collagen and elastin in the skin of the neck, resulting in skin tightening. Furthermore, the therapy also treats early wailing. The laser neck lift is done while you are awake in the office, with little downtime and good outcomes.

Their plastic surgeon conducts numerous facial plastic operations as outpatient procedures with local anesthetics, allowing you to be awake during the surgery and have minimal recovery time. Candidates must be nonsmokers or have given up smoking six weeks before the surgery.