September 23 – October 01, 2024

School and Conference on

Metric Measure Spaces, Ricci Curvature, and Optimal Transport

Villa Monastero, Lake Como

This conference will outline new trends, results, and challenges of current research on metric measure spaces, Ricci curvature, optimal transport, and related topics, including  Riemannian, sub-Riemannian and Lorentzian geometry, geometric PDEs, Ricci flow, heat kernels, stochastic calculus, stochastic localization, and discrete models.

The program of the school consists of several miniseries of lectures accompanied by a number of invited lectures by leading scholars. Furthermore, numerous slots for contributed talks are scheduled, giving also opportunities to early-career researchers. 


 F. Cavalletti (U Milano Statale) M. Erbar (U Bielefeld) J. Maas (IST Austria) K.T. Sturm (U Bonn)



S. Artstein-Avidan  (Tel Aviv U)

G. Carron (U Nantes)

R. Eldan (Microsoft Research)

A. Eskenazis (Paris, Sorbonne U)

E. Kopfer (U Bonn)

A. Lerario (SISSA)

R. McCann (U Toronto)

D. Semola (ETH Zürich)

Y. Shenfeld (Brown U)

F.X. Vialard (Paris, U Gustav Eiffel)

Invited Lectures

B. Acciaio (ETH Zürich)

A. Burtscher (Radboud U)

B. Dagallier (U Cambridge)

M. Fathi (U Paris Cité)

N. Gigli (SISSA)

S. Honda (Tohoku U)

M. Huesmann (U Münster)

C. Ketterer (U Freiburg)

B. Klartag (Weizmann Institute)

T. Leblé (U Paris Cité)

E. Milman (Technion)

A. Mondino (U Oxford)

M. Murugan (UBC)

S.-I. Ohta (Osaka U)

T. Rajala (U Jyväskylä)

L. Rizzi (SISSA)

G. Savaré (Bocconi U)

M. v.Renesse (U Leipzig)


 To register for the school and conference please fill the form below. The miniconference will host a limited number of contributed talks by the participants. The participation is subject to a conference fee of 350 €, further information can be found on the registration form.

Registration is open from January 1st 2024 and closes July 1st 2024 (or as soon as the maximum number of participants is reached)

For any questions please contact:


Participants are kindly asked to arrange their own accommodation. A variety of options can be found in the town of Varenna.


This event is partially funded by the German Science Foundation (DFG) through CRC 1283 "Taming uncertainty and profiting from randomness and low regularity in analysis, stochastics and their applications"