HPE releases updates, in the form of patches, based on issue resolution and functional enhancements. These updates are an important part of maintaining a system's health. System administrators and other users can keep their operating environment up to date by downloading and installing patches and product update sets.

My Patch Privileges lists your access to patches for various platforms. You have entitled access if your HPE Support Center profile is associated with a valid contract or warranty, by one or more of the following means:

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Your access to patches for specific platforms is shown under the Current Patch Access heading. Platforms with a valid contract or warranty list a patch access value of Yes. A patch access value of No indicates that a valid contract or warranty is not linked to your profile and access is unavailable. Click the lock icon to see the access requirements.

Click Add to my Patch List to add the bundle. If any of the patches in the bundle have acquired warnings since the bundle's release, you can select replacement patches. A table lists all the patches in the bundle for your reference.

Each OS and revision combination has one associated patch list. If you used My Uploaded HP-UX System, lists for your uploaded system appear here as well. The lists are separated to facilitate the bundling of patches for a particular system.

Selected patch list also contains patches required by the patches you have already selected. Required patches are considered part of the total solution so are included in the selected patch list.

In some cases, when patches are downloaded as a zip package using Microsoft Internet Explorer, a "corrupt archive" message appears when trying to unzip the package. This may happen even though there were no error messages during the download and it appears the package was built correctly.

After you have uploaded the file you can search for patches, bundles, products, and patch sets applicable to your system. You can also perform a patch assessment to find the set of patches necessary to bring your system to the correct patch level. See Patching HP-UX systems for details (you must be signed in to view it).

The "Assessing patch requirements" feature for HP-UX provides system administrators the ability to upload current system information and run a patch assessment, which determines what if any patches are required to bring the system up to date.

Updated as needed to support new or updated software features in HP-UX 11i V2 and V3 media releases. Consists of patches required for product enablement and core defect fixes exposed by new product features.

To generate a more detailed, text-only assessment report, ideal for archiving or emailing, use the "Show detailed assessment report" link near the top of the results page. This report captures system characteristics, the assessment profile, which patches or bundles each chosen analyzer recommends, and a summary with detailed information about the recommended patches.

Quality pack patch bundles (QPKs) contain stable defect-fix patches for the proactive maintenance of HPE servers and workstations. HPE thoroughly tests each QPK and requires that it pass the same tests as would a new HP-UX operating system release.

Patch sets identify the appropriate patches for hardware, operating system, and software applications. They are updated weekly by HPE, so contain the current, best known configurations. Patch sets are maintained for restrictive and conservative patch strategies, and can be used to determine if you are properly configured to run the applications installed on your system.

Use the application patch set selector to select from the available application patch sets. Be sure to browse within all categories to identify all appropriate sets. For each set, the patch assessment tool verifies that all patches or their successors in the patch set, appropriate for your patching strategy, are installed.

In this case, a patch recommendation will always be made. If all patches which resolve this issue have warnings, the best patch with warnings is recommended. In this situation, be sure to review the warnings against the recommended patch and decide if installing the patch is appropriate.

You have specified "updates for the patches already installed" in the assessment profile. Installed patch P1 has been replaced and the best replacement, according to your patch strategy is P2. The recommendation will be P2.

You have specified in the assessment profile that patch P1 should be installed on this system. However, P1 is not applicable to this system. This results because P1 patches filesets which are not installed on this system. There will be no recommendation.

You have specified in the assessment profile that patch P1 should be installed on this system. However, P1 is not installed and is not applicable to this system. This results because P1 patches filesets which are not currently installed on this system. The recommendation will be P1.

You have specified in the assessment profile that patch P1 should be installed on this system. However, P1 is not appropriate for this system, because P1 patches a different HW/OS than this system. There will be no recommendation.

The system configuration file indicates that patch P1 is installed on your system. However, the patch assessment tool does not recognize this patch. If this patch is a special early release patch obtained from HP, be sure to discard any recommended patches which may interfere with this patch.

In this case, a patch recommendation will always be made. If all patches which resolve this issue have warnings, the best patch with warnings will be recommended. In this situation, be sure to review the warnings against the recommended patch and decide if installing the patch is appropriate.

When two issues are emitted during a patch assessment that involve related patches (one is a successor of the other), it is possible that their recommendations may conflict. In this case, the most recent of the recommendations will be used to resolve both issues.

Effective November 28th, 2007, HP-UX patches may include additional text called Advisory Notices that will be used to call attention to defects with certain characteristics that customers may want to search the HPE Support Center database for. The new phrases will be included in the details section of some patches that bear the CRITICAL flag. There are two forms of advisories:

While HPE will support Itanium-based systems running earlier versions of HP-UX 11i v2, HPE strongly recommends all current HP-UX 11i v2 customers proactively plan to update to HP-UX 11i v2 September 2004 during their next maintenance window. After the release of HP-UX 11i v2 September 2004, all future products and patches for HP-UX 11i v2 will be created and tested utilizing this release. Individual patches and patch bundles released from September 2004 forward will require that HP-UX 11i v2 September 2004 or a later version of HP-UX 11i v2 be installed.

Part of the HP-UX 11i v2 September 2004 release is delivered via patches, and these patches are designated as "required" patches at the HPE Support Center. If you attempt to download one of these required patches individually from the HPE Support Center, you will be given the following warning:

Patch sets are groups of patches that should be installed to support common HPE products and sub-systems. Not all patch sets are available for all versions of HP-UX. If there is no version of a specific patch set for your version of HP-UX, it is most likely because no patch set is needed to support the product or subsystem on that HP-UX version.

Historically PHSS, PHCO, PHKL patches were freely available from the software Depot. I guess it was the case that if you needed these patches, you had a machine which sometime in the past HP had produced and sold and profited from.

I was a partner in the past, still are in some way or another, and I was sent the OS media. I can install the OS using that media but cannot patch it unless I downloaded the patches prior to the iron curtain coming down.

Patrick is right, it's been a long time since HPE offered "free" access to patches for HP-UX. As to why this is, well put simply there were just too many 3rd parties undercutting HPE support by offering support for HP servers, and being able to include patches and software updates without actually having to do any of the effort of developing and testing of those patches. HPE determined that it cost time to develop those patches, so they needed to monetise that.

So you need a support contract to get at patches now, and have for a good while. You can argue about whether HPE is abandoning you all day, but it is what it is. I don't know if it's still the case, but the ISV programs used to include access to patches, but legally that would just be for your development systems, *not* for you to pass on to your customers. If your customers want HPE patches in a legal fashion (and if they are in government I'd imagine doing things legally might matter to them!), then they need a support contract.

I've been looking for HP-UX 9.X and 10.20 patches and it looks like I'm late to the party. I found the original FTP sites from HP have all been taken down. I'm sure that someone must have made a complete mirror of these materials. I would have done it had I been paying attention at the time. I'm a younger UNIX geek hoping that an old timer can help me out here.

HP releases patches to deliver incremental updates to your system.Patches are best known for delivering defect fixes, but also delivernew functionality and features, enable new hardware, and update firmware.You can use HP-UX patches to update HP-UX software without havingto completely reinstall your system application.

The HP-UX OE media provides standard HP-UX patch bundles forHP-UX core file sets and applications, plus diagnostic products. Standardpatch bundles are collections of patches that have been thoroughlytested together. These bundles enable new hardware, fix known defects,and provide diagnostics tools. In some cases, a patch bundle maydeliver new software functionality. All bundle software is cumulativeand replaces completely any previous bundle release for the same operatingsystem (OS) release. be457b7860


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