Get Involved

MEPTO welcomes parents, guardians, and school staff to get involved by doing any or all of the following:

Attend Meetings

We recognize that as parents/guardians of elementary students, schedules are busy. We try to structure our meeting format (quarterly public meetings) to make the most of your time, while still giving you an opportunity to stay informed and get involved. The meetings are informal and we encourage you to attend when time permits to witness the PTO in action first-hand. Check out our Facebook page for the next Elementary PTO meeting. If you have a topic that you'd be interested in exploring, let us know, and we'll look into incorporating it into the schedule.

Our Next General Member Meeting will be held on September 2024- Stay tuned for more information!  


MEPTO, an all volunteer organization, coordinates several fundraisers throughout the year to support school safety efforts, creative arts programs, new technology, teacher appreciation events and other materials and activities that benefit our schools and enhance our children's education. We have many exciting activities and events planned this year and we need your support and involvement to make each one a success.

Any time you can offer, whether it's 30 minutes or a full event, is time well-invested in our community.  There are lots of ways you can help from home, after work or on weekends.  Please check out the opportunities as they are posted on our social medial pages or email updates, or let us know if you want to help including when and what you can offer.

Attend Social Events

We offer social events throughout the year! During '23/24 we held the Mustang Gala! We are working on some exciting events to bring parents and guardians together this coming school year!