You've made a deal with the Devil...
In exchange for unholy strength, you must collect the souls of monsters you defeat in the dungeon. The catch is: you aren’t the only one who’s agreed to this pact, but only one of you will receive the demon’s gift. Race to collect the most souls or be doomed to serve the beast for eternity!
60 Dungeon Cards
4 Rules Reminder Cards
4 Favor Tracker Cards
4 Quick Rules Cards
Play Area
Dungeon Deck
Discard pile
Favor Tracker Card
Rules Reminder Card
2 Player Setup
Give each player a Favor Tracker Card and Rules Reminder Card.
Randomly decide which player goes first.
Shuffle the 60 Dungeon Cards to form the Dungeon Deck and deal a hand of 3 cards to the frist player and 4 to the second player.
Deal 2 cards face-up into 3 columns from the Dungeon Deck to create the shared Dungeon.
The first player starts with 3 Favor and the second player starts with 5 Favor.
For 3 and 4 player game setup, see the multiplayer rules and variants section.
For a more balanced setup, instead of shuffling all cards together randomly separate all monster cards from the rest of the deck and place them into two roughly equal piles. Shuffle each pile of monster cards with half of the remaining cards and stack the two piles into one deck. This results in a more even spread of monsters throughout the game.
Note: To randomly determining who goes first, one rules reminder card has a unique silver border. Shuffle this card face-down with another rules reminder card for each other player and randomly deal one to each player. Whoever ends up with the silver bordered one is the starting player.
The goal of the game is to collect 15 Soul Points. You collect Soul Points by defeating monsters in the dungeon when you perform the fight action on your turn.
Soul Points
As part of your deal with Mephisto, he grants you unholy power (favor) that you will need to defeat monsters in the dungeon. You can spend this favor to add to your attack when fighting monsters - gaining 1 attack per favor spent. You can replenish favor through various items, weapons, and spells you find in the dungeon or more commonly through taking the summon action on your turn.
Players can never go above 10 or below 0 Favor for any reason. As players gain and lose Favor, they keep track by sliding their Rules Reminder card up or down on their Favor Tracker card.
How to Play
Each player’s turn consists of 4 steps in this order:
Play and Activate - Play any number of cards from your hand and activate your items and weapons.
Choose an Action - Perform 1 action.
Draw and Refill - Draw the top card of the Dungeon Deck and replace any empty spaces in the Dungeon with new cards from the deck.
Play and Activate
During the Play and Activate step, you may play any number of cards from your hand and activate any number of items and weapons you have in play. You may play and activate in any order you choose and can even activate weapons or items in the same turn that you play them.
To play a card from your hand you must discard other cards from your hand equal to the cost of the card you want to play. For instance, to play a 1-cost Greataxe you must discard any other card in your hand.
When playing a weapon or item, you must place it into one of the three lanes on your side of the Dungeon. It will stay in that lane until it has no remaining durability. Each player can have a maximum of 2 items or weapons in each individual lane. If a lane is already full, you may place any cards you currently have in play into the discard to make room for new cards.
Unlike weapons and items, spell cards are put directly into the discard pile after you play them (unless they say otherwise).
Note: Cards are played from your hand, not directly from the dungeon. Also, you cannot use cards in play to pay the cost of new cards. For instance, if you already have a weapon in a lane, it cannot be discarded to pay the cost of a new weapon from you hand.
Weapon cards have the following features:
Cost: How many other cards you must discard from your hand in order to play this card.
Attack: How much attack you add from your weapon when you use it in a fight.
Durability: The number uses the weapon has until it breaks. Remove a durability each time it is used (rotate the card 90 degrees clockwise after each use). Once an item or weapon has no durability left, it breaks and is put into the discard pile.
Ability: Some weapons have abilities that happen immediately after they are played, while others require activating (using a durability).
Activating Items and Weapons
Some items and weapons have abilities that require removing a durability to activate. You may only activate each item or weapon once on your turn by turning the card 90 degrees clockwise and resolving the effect in its text box. This means that the remaining durability will always be displayed in the top right corner, decreasing in number after each rotation. When you use the last durability, place the item or weapon into the discard pile.
Note: Fighting with a weapon also removes durability but is separate from activating. This means that you can activate a weapon's ability in addition to using it in a fight, resulting in a loss of two durability.
Playing Spell Cards
When you play a spell card you resolve the effect in its text box, then move it to the discard pile unless the spell says otherwise.
Spell cards have the following features:
Cost: How many other cards you must discard from your hand in order to play it.
Effect: What happens when you play the spell.
Note: Some spell cards attach to weapons. In that case, place the spell under the chosen weapon card and keep it in effect until the weapon breaks. Attached spells do not count towards the two card per lane limit.
Choose an action
After you are finished playing and activating cards, you may move on to the action step where you choose one of the following actions to perform on your turn: Loot, Fight or Summon.
Here are the actions in more detail:
Take any non-monster card from the Dungeon and put it into your hand, or draw the top card from the deck.
Note: You cannot loot monsters that are in the dungeon, but it is okay if you loot from the deck and the card you draw is a monster.
In order to collect Soul Points, you must perform the fight action on your turn. You may fight any number of monsters, but must fight in a single lane. To start, choose any number of monsters in a lane that you wish to fight. Then, if you control any weapons in that lane, you may use them to assist you by rotating them 90 degrees clockwise. As long as your attack is equal to or greater than the total monster’s attack in the chosen lane, you collect their Soul Points and place them face-up next to your Favor Tracker.
Perform these steps in order when fighting:
Choose a lane in the dungeon to fight in and any number of monsters in that lane to fight.
Choose any number of your weapons in that lane you want to use and turn them 90 degrees clockwise.
You may spend any amount of Favor to further increase your attack.
If your total attack is equal to or greater than the monsters you fight, collect their Soul Points.
Note: You can fight monsters in a lane even if you don't have a weapon to use. As long as you have enough favor to spend you can fight that monster.
Combat Example: Samantha currently has 8 favor. She removes a durability from her Mallet and Greataxe (1) to fight the Witch in the second lane (2). She has a total attack of 7 whereas the Witch has an attack of 12 so she pays 5 favor to match (3) and collects its Soul Points. Finally, she places the Witch card in a pile with her other collected souls next to her Favor Tracker.
Monster cards have the following features:
Attack: How strong the monster is when you fight it.
Soul Points: How many souls the monster is worth.
Immediate Effect: This effect triggers immediately whenever the monster enters the dungeon.
Monster Ability: These abilities benefit after you've defeated the monster in a fight. These are ongoing effects that trigger each time you meet the conditions.
Summoning allows you to play a monster card from your hand into the dungeon and gains you favor as a result. To summon, take any card in the dungeon into your hand, and replace it with a monster from your hand, then gain 3 favor.
If the monster you just placed into the dungeon has an immediate effect in its text box, that will now trigger.
Draw and Refill Step
After you've finished your action step, the final step is to Draw the top card from the dungeon deck, then fill all empty spots in the dungeon with new cards from the top of the deck face-up. If any of the newly placed cards are monsters, their immediate effects will now trigger (in the order that you revealed them). If the deck ever runs out of cards, shuffle the discard pile to form a new deck.
Play then continues clockwise.
Note: The player who is refilling the dungeon is still the active player, so any effects that refer to "you" target the player who is finishing their turn.
Ending the Game
The game ends immediately when a player reaches 15 Soul Points. The first to 15 wins!
Multiplayer Rules and Variants
Free for all (3 or 4 players)
Play to 12 Soul Points instead of 15.
Set up the board in a 3x3 grid with the deck in the center, and place two cards face down at opposite corners of the dungeon.
Each player orients themselves to one side of the square dungeon.
The face down corner cards and center deck spaces are ignored and cannot be affected in any way.
The first player starts with 2 cards, and 2 Favor. The second player starts with 3 cards and 3 favor, and so on.
4 Player Game (2v2 teams)
When playing with 4 players it is recommended that you split into two teams of two players. All normal rules apply with the following additions:
When a team reaches 17 total soul points they win.
Set up the board in a 3x3 grid with the deck in the center, and place two cards face down at opposite corners of the dungeon.
Each player orients themselves to one side of the square dungeon with opposing players sitting on opposite sides.
The face down corner cards and center deck spaces are ignored and cannot be affected in any way.
Each player on your team takes their turn simultaneously. If your actions would ever conflict, decide among your team who’s actions to resolve first.
Each player still has their own pool of Soul Points throughout the game but your team wins by being the first to reach 17 or more.
Monster effects, spells and abilities affect each player individually, not as a team.
You cannot trade any cards with your teammate.
You can cast spells and activate any beneficial abilities that would normally affect you on your partner instead.
Your combined turn ends when each player on your team is finished performing their action, then you replace any empty spots that you created.
Advanced Mode
This variant is designed for players who prefer less randomness and more control in their games. Players are required to keep track of multiple actions, thus is not recommended for beginner players. This mode is best played 1v1 since player's turns are longer.
On each player's turns, instead of following the turn structure on your Rules Reminder Card, you get 2 actions on your turn (you may perform the same action twice). After you've performed your 2 actions and activated as many weapons and items as you wish you pass the turn to the next player.
Actions work the same as in the base game with one caveat: to play cards from your hand, you must pay their cost in actions rather than discarding cards from your hand. This means if you play a 2 cost card, you won't be able to perform any actions that turn.
You may perform your actions and activate your items and weapons in any order you choose.
Solitaire Mode
When playing solo, all normal rules apply with the following additions:
Set up the game as if it were a 2-player game, starting with 5 favor and 4 cards in hand.
After you've finished drawing, but before you refill the dungeon, there is an extra step where you:
Discard the the top card of the deck. If the discarded card is a:
Monster: Replace it with the the highest attack monster in the dungeon. If multiple are tied for highest attack you decide which monster is discarded.
Weapon: Discard the highest attack weapon in the dungeon. If multiple any are tied for highest attack, discard the highest cost one. If they are tied for cost you decide which weapon is discarded.
Spell: Discard the highest cost spell in the dungeon. If multiple any are tied, you decide which is discarded.
Item: Discard the highest cost item in the dungeon. If multiple any are tied, you decide which is discarded.
If no cards match the discarded card's type, discard the next card from the top of the deck and no more.
After this step, continue to the "Replace any empty spaces in the Dungeon" step but treat any immediate effects that are triggered at this time as if it were your opponent's turn. Immediate effects are triggered like normal if they trigger during your turn at any other step.
Treat immediate effects that start with 'Each player' as only affecting you (i.e. Troll, Ooze, Spider, Vermin, Doom Knight).
Effects that remove a durability from an opponent's item or weapon now repair your own item or weapon instead.
Effects that cause an opponent to lose favor now gains you that much favor instead.
Cards that cause you to "replace" cards in the dungeon, like Illuminate, move cards to the bottom of the deck, not the discard pile.
Once you reach 16 soul points, the game immediately ends and you count the number of remaining cards in the deck. Your score is determined by the amount of remaining cards. Any Soul Points above 16 are treated as additional cards in the deck.
Solitaire Rankings
1-10: Imp.
11-15: Devil.
16-20: Demon.
21+: Archdemon.
FAQ and Terminology
Q: How do I get monster cards in my hand?
A: You cannot loot face-up monsters from the dungeon, but if you loot from the deck and happen to draw a monster card, that is allowed.
Q: Can I fight multiple monsters in the same turn?
A: Yes, as long as the monsters are in the same lane and you have enough attack to match their combined total.
Q: When does my weapon or item break (get discarded)?
A: The number in the top right of an item or weapon is its durability ( showing its remaining uses). After you rotate an item or weapon with a one showing in the top right, it breaks and is discarded.
Q: How many cards can I play in a turn?
A: As many as you want as long as you pay their costs.
Q: Can I use two weapons to fight a single monster?
A: Yes, as long as they are in the same lane you may use multiple weapons to fight.
Q: Can I use cards that I have equipped to pay the cost of new cards from my hand?
A: No, you can only pay the costs of cards by discarding other cards from your hand.
Q: Can I fight multiple monsters with one fight action?
A: Yes, as long as your attack is equal to greater than the total combined attack of the monsters you wish to fight.
Repair: Add a durability to an item or weapon you control (rotate it counter clockwise 90 degrees).