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Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy (the 'Policy') explains the way of treatment of the information which is provided or collected in the course of using the Wonder Fridge” (the 'Service') of Wonderple (the 'Company').

1. Collection and Use of Personal information

(1) When signing up as a member, Company collects the following personal information.

(2) While using the service, the following data may be automatically generated and collected.

2. Methods of Personal Information Collection

Company collects personal information through the following methods:

3. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

Company only utilizes users' personal information solely within the scope of collection and usage purposes and generally does not disclose it to external parties.
However, exceptions may apply in the following cases:

4. Handling of Personal Information by Third Parties

Company may entrust the processing of personal information as follows, soely as necessary for service provision. If there are changes to the entrusted companies or the contents the entrusted tasks, we will disclose them in the privacy policy.

5. Procedures and Methods of Personal Information Destruction

Company will promptly destroy personal information when it is no longer necessary to retain the user's personal information, typically upon fulfillment of the processing purpose.
The methods for personal information destruction are as follows:

If there is a reason for destruction but it is required to be retained according to relevant laws and regulations, it will be transferred to a separate database(DB) or stored in a diffrent location for retention.

6. Rights and Procedures for Users and Legal Representatives

Users and legal representatives have the right to access and modify personal information at any time, as well as request withdrawal of consent (Delete account) for collection, usage, and provision.

Company verifies whether the requester for access, correction/deletion, or suspension of processing is the individual themselves or their lawful representative.

You can request withdrawal of consent by using one of the following methods:

7. Personal information Protection Manager

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, You can contact us:

8. Technical and Administrative Measures for Personal Information Protection

Company implements various protective mesaures and efforts to securely protect users' personal information.

9. Coverage of Privacy Policy

This privacy policy applies to the use of the "Wonder Fridge" app.

Our service may contain links to other websites that are not operated by us. If you click on a third party link, you will be directed to that third party's site. We stringly advise you to review the Privacy Policy of every site you visit.

Company has no control over and assume no responsibility for the content, privacy policies or practices of any third party sites or services.

10. Modification of Privacy Policy

The privacy policy may be amended for the purpose of reflecting changes in laws or services. In the event of any additions, deletions, or modifications to the privacy policy, notice will be provided in the app at least 7 days prior to the revision.

Effective Date: May 23, 2024