A menu button is a button that opens a menu as described in the Menu and Menubar Pattern. It is often styled as a typical push button with a downward pointing arrow or triangle to hint that activating the button will display a menu.

The visibility of the burger menu is controlled in the navbar settings (when your navbar element is selected). If you only want your burger menu to display on phone click the phone icon. It will automatically display your desktop menu links on the other breakpoints.Screenshot 2020-05-23 at 09.38.521068699 92.4 KB

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Hi i always had the "Q" button go to the quickmenu but all of a sudden it started going to other menus. It was on a flash menu now it's going to the main menu, how do I get it to go back to the quick menu again when I press it?

Some buttons have different functions depending upon which mode the camera is in. I think your camera is in Menu mode. Press the [MENU] button to exit Menu mode. You may have to press [INFO] a couple of times to blank the screen. Once you have a blank screen, pressing [Q : SET] should bring up the Quick Settings Screen.

The streets on our feature layer slightly overlap each other at junctions and when clicking on/near a junction the popup returns more than one result. We use a hit test to highlight a street and then the user can click to display a popup/information about that street. We only need the top most (highlighted) result returned in the popup. I'm thinking there must be a way to hide/disable the menu/next/previous button.

I am currently writing a tvOS app. I've been detecting and overriding the menu button with tapRecognizer to switch between storyboards and other functions. My issue is when I am on my home screen and press menu it does not exit the app. Instead it remembers the last function I used when overriding the menu button and performs that function. Any thoughts on how to clear the tapRecognizer? Or a function that will exit the app?

The short answer is: no. The long answer is: no, because our list items contain links and menuitem elements are not intended to have interactive descendants. That is, they are the controls in a menu.

These behaviors are conventional and expected, making the button more usable. However, if you really need to implement a menu button without JavaScript, this is about as close as you can get. Considering the cut-down navigation menu button I covered previously offers menu content that is not JavaScript dependent itself (i.e. links), this approach may be a suitable option.

In using Edge and taking one of your classes that shays click on the "show menu" button. There is NO show menu button anywhere. I have googled and I guess it should be in the upper right corner. it is not there. I have a paid version.

Has anybody noticed that, occasionally, the Z9 menu and play buttons are unresponsive? I'm experiencing this with my current Z9 and my previous model exhibited the same behavior. There's no rhyme or reason I can identify for when it happens, and I can't get the camera to reproduce the problem as I write this post, but I was out shooting today and I was needing to press play multiple time to chimp a photo, and same for menu button presses. I'm sure I wasn't hitting the wrong buttons since they had my full attention -- multiple presses and/or retry after a few seconds is what it took for me to get where I wanted to go and happened multiple times while out shooting.

Hi Philip, naturally, my first inclination to an unresponsive button press is to assume that I'm hitting the wrong button; however, like I mentioned in OP, I'm sure this wasn't the case since successive button presses were given my full attention -- i.e., pull camera away from eye, look down at back of camera, and visually observe pressing the play or menu button.

Thanks for the reply. I am confident I'm not pressing any other buttons when the problem occurs (just the play or menu button), and pressing the lens release button while pressing menu or playback button does not reproduce the problem. (For that matter, I'm impressed anybody could manage to manage to simultaneously press lens release and menu | play buttons w/o being aware, at least on the Z9).

I was able to reproduce the problem this evening and paid special attention to pressing just the play or menu button. I've noticed that when the problem occurs, the play button acts like the AF button where camera is trying to focus and red square focus point is blinking (I'm in single shot focus). Taking a photo and pointing camera towards objects unfocusable (because too close or not enough light) seems to exacerbate the problem, but still difficult to reproduce.

Try engaging the lock on the grip shutter button and seeing if it keeps happening. Mine was bugging out here and there until I noticed that I was half-pressing the grip shutter button with the side of my palm, especially when holding it with one hand.

Assuming I don't run into the issue again with the vertical shutter button lock engaged, it will be the first time I've ever run into this situation (I've had several flagships, including R3 as of current), but not a big deal if knowing the reason.

Closing out this thread, it's been a few weeks and all is good since locking the shutter release for vertical orientation. I have large hands and the lower part of my right palm was inadvertently half-pressing the release button. Thanks again those who helped point me in the right direction -- much appreciated.

I second this - very sensitive Shutter button on grip and turn mine off if I'm not shooting portraits. My hands average male but bottom of hand rests (for me) around where the Grip Shutter button was and any sort of slight pressure of the Grip Shutter button and other buttons near by were shooting off the camera - very annoying indeed

If you read the thread, the issue is that, on the Z9, it's very easy to half-press the vertical shutter release button without realizing it, which in-turn can make the camera seem unresponsive to inputs at times. For persons whose hands are such that they are experiencing this issue, the solution is to lock the vertical release button when not in use.

I've disabled the vertical shutter button and when shooting vertically, which I seldom do, I make it a habit to quickly enable the vertical shutter button (and disable it again shortly before turning the camera horizontally).

NOTE: Many semantic elements, such as button elements, have meaning to assistive devices and browsers that provide context for the user and, in many cases, provide or restrict interactive behaviors. Use caution when overriding our defaults and make sure that the element you choose to render provides the same experience for all users.

A low-level wrapper for the popover that appears when a menu button is open. You can compose it with MenuItems for more control over the nested components and their rendered DOM nodes, or if you need to nest arbitrary components between the outer wrapper and your list.

A function used to determine the position of the popover in relation to the menu button. By default, the menu button will attempt to position the popover below the button aligned with its left edge. If this positioning results in collisions with any side of the window, the popover will be anchored to a different side to avoid those collisions if possible.

The function accepts the DOMRect of the menu button element, and the DOMRect of the popover element as arguments, and returns a CSS properties object that is then applied to the popover as inline styles. 2351a5e196

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