But unfortunately, this solution needs me to do the same step with hundreds of websites which are using the same script. so I am trying to set the charset in the javascript file itself. Is this possible?

The long answer is, no, FEFF is not the byte order mark for utf-8. Apparently node took some sort of shortcut for writing encodings within files. FEFF is the UTF16 Little Endian encoding as can be seen within the Byte Order Mark wikipedia article and can also be viewed within a binary text editor after having written the file. I've verified this is the case.

Javascript Download File Utf-8

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I suspect that the reasoning behind this is because they chose not to write byte order marks and the 3 byte mark for UTF-8 isn't easily encoded into the javascript string to be written to disk. So, they used the UTF16LE BOM as a placeholder mark within the string which gets substituted at write-time.

I too had this issue, I would copy the whole piece of code and put in Notepad, before pasting in Notepad, make sure you save the file type as ALL files and save the doc as utf-8 format. then you can paste your code and run, It should work. ?????? obiviously means unreadable characters.

I need to export javascript array to CSV file and download it. I did it but ',,,,' this characters looks like '    ' in the CSV file. I have tried many solutions recommended on this site but didn't work for me.

The official name for the encoding is UTF-8, the spelling used in all Unicode Consortium documents. Most standards officially list it in upper case as well, but all that do are also case-insensitive and utf-8 is often used in code.[citation needed]

Update #1 In C/C++ I would just cast it to a byte array, but not sure if there is an equivalent in javascript. BTW, yes we could parse it into a byte array and parse it back to a string, but it seems that there should be a quick way to cut it at the right place. Imagine that 'orig' is 1000000 characters, and s = 6 bytes and l = 3 bytes.

This is not correct - Actually there is no UTF-8 string in javascript. According to the ECMAScript 262 specification all strings - regardless of the input encoding - must be internally stored as UTF-16 ("[sequence of] 16-bit unsigned integers").

I,m using search sample code(ArcGIS API for JavaScript Sandbox ) in arcgis javascript 3.22 and have a problem in searching utf-8 characters. the search tools return null when words are in utf-8 !! what should I add in my code?

Even if the concern is minimizing the constant factors hidden in O(n) notation encoding change have a modest impact, in the time domain at least. Writing/reading a utf-16 stream as utf-8 for the most part of (Western) textual data means skipping every second octet / inserting null octets. That performance hit pales in comparison with the overhead and the latency stemming from interfacing with a socket or the file system.

to the form. I have also specified charset="utf-8" in the script tag, but it still doesn't work. My browser (Firefox) is set to UTF-8 as the default encoding. I have tried removing the unescape function too.

The charset attribute specifies the character encoding used by the document. This is a character encoding declaration. If the attribute is present, its value must be an ASCII case-insensitive match for the string " utf-8 ".

The second (AddCharset) requires mod_mime and will set the charset for other types based on file extension. Javascript files are sent with content type of application/javascript and CSS files are sent with content type of text/css so are not picked up by the AddDefaultCharset setting. The .htm and .html files don't really need to be in this as will be picked up by default but no harm being explicit.

'utf8' (alias: 'utf-8'): Multi-byte encoded Unicode characters. Many webpages and other document formats use UTF-8. This is the default characterencoding. When decoding a Buffer into a string that does not exclusivelycontain valid UTF-8 data, the Unicode replacement character U+FFFD  will beused to represent those errors.

The character encoding should be specified for every HTML page, eitherby using the charset parameter on the Content-Type HTTP responseheader (e.g.: Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8) and/or usingthe charset meta tag in the file.

I want to convert all strings on my form to utf-8 encoding. I want to be sure that all strings are in utf-8 encoding before I will call applyXSL method. I tried something like this but its not working. Any ideas?

I have a small chat feature in my app where the players can send each other messages. Since a player may key in a variety of characters, including multibyte characters such as emojis, I am decoding these messages to utf-8 then storing them on our game servers. I then encode those messages back to unicode when they are displayed. I am using a native.newTextBox field to display these messages and I am using the code located here to perform the actual utf-8 decode/encode functions.

As you can see, Group 1 and Group 2 differ as far as the utf-8 decodings go, Does anyone know why they would differ like this? This, of course, is the root of my problem. I would imagine if they would decode the same, then they would encode and display correctly across all of these platforms.

In the code above, we are using the Node.js built-in module fs, which stands for "file system", to read the contents of a file called myfile.txt. We start by importing the fs module using the require function and assigning it to a variable called fs. Then, we use the readFile method provided by the fs module to read the content of myfile.txt. This method takes three arguments: the path to the file to be read (in this case, myfile.txt), the encoding to be used to read the file (in this case, 'utf-8'), and a callback function to be called when the file has been read.

In the code above, we are using the iconv-lite library to encode and decode a string using the utf-8 character encoding. First, we import the iconv-lite library using the require function and assign it to a variable called iconv. Then, we create a new Buffer object called buf by encoding the string 'Hello, world!' using the utf-8 encoding with the iconv.encode function. Next, we create a new string called str by decoding the buf buffer using the utf-8 encoding with the iconv.decode function. Finally, we log the str string to the console using the console.log function.

This is useful if the pattern match doesn't take into account spaces in the word javascript: -which is correct since that won't render- and makes the false assumption that you can't have a space between the quote and the javascript: keyword. The actual reality is you can have any char from 1-32 in decimal:

Unlike Firefox the IE rendering engine doesn't add extra data to you page, but it does allow the javascript: directive in images. This is useful as a vector because it doesn't require a close angle bracket. This assumes there is any HTML tag below where you are injecting this cross site scripting vector. Even though there is no close ">" tag the tags below it will close it. A note: this does mess up the HTML, depending on what HTML is beneath it. It gets around the following NIDS regex: /((\\%3D)|(=))\[^\\n\]\*((\\%3C)|\)/ because it doesn't require the end ">". As a side note, this was also affective against a real world XSS filter I came across using an open ended 2351a5e196

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