Mentonym Express

Racism is a disease

Racism is the belief that groups of humans possess different behavioral traits corresponding to physical appearance and can be divided based on the superiority of one race over another. It may also mean prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against others because they are of a different race or ethnicity. 

Racism starts at home with the parents, which must be dealt with to start the process of stomping out racism and all its evils that exist in this country.

1)We must acknowledge that it exists instead of burying it as an unwanted and terrible idea.

2)We must also recognize that individuals facing discrimination include women, people of color, and LGBTQ+.

"As a society, it is our responsibility to actively change the mindset of those who seek to denigrate individuals based on their race, gender, or sexual orientation and ensure that they are held accountable for their actions."

If we ignore those who propagate this racist ideology, we are failing everyone, including ourselves, For not addressing the situation immediately.

We must not allow Donald Trump to continue using racism as a tool for his political gain. His divisive tactics pose a genuine threat to our country, and we must take decisive action to stop his harmful influence. 

We must confront racism on three fronts: within the community, in schools, and at home, whether around the dinner table during supper or at a family gathering. Everyone must actively contribute to combating this pervasive problem in our society.

It's better to talk about it and have an open conversation than bury it so it can manifest itself in the worst possible way later. 

                                  Kamala Harris

I disagree with the DNC forcing President Biden to step down. However, President Biden did what he thought was best for our country and nominated Kamala Harris for the presidency. 

This may have helped breathe new life into the Democrats' struggle to keep the White House and save our democracy from the tyrannical reach of the GOP and Donald Trump, Putin, Xi, Musk, and 63 other billionaires who are, in effect, trying to buy our election for Trump.

Unity is our strength. It's crucial that we prevent what happened to Hillary Clinton from happening to Kamala Harris. Let's unite to support women, minorities, independents, and Democrats. It's imperative to maintain control of the White House and the Senate and to secure complete control of Congress. This is our opportunity to work towards restoring the country to its pre-Trump state.

Unity is our strength. It's crucial that we prevent what happened to Hillary Clinton from happening to Kamala Harris. Let's unite to support women, minorities, independents, and Democrats. It's imperative to maintain control of the White House and the Senate and to secure complete control of Congress. This is our opportunity to work towards restoring the country to its pre-Trump state.

                 Women's Rights 

The appointments of Neil Gorsuch, Amy Coney Barrett, Samuel Alito, and Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court have emphasized the critical need for advocacy. The decision to overturn Roe v. Wade has resulted in the limiting of women's access to healthcare, including essential options for managing miscarriages. Under a law in Oklahoma, a woman could face manslaughter charges for experiencing a miscarriage. It's evident that advocacy for women's reproductive rights is more important now than ever, and we must all take action to protect these rights.

The GOP and Trump consider all women and girls sex toys and nothing more. In Trump and Gop's view, women and girls should remain on their backs at all times, except when women and girls are cooking their supper. 

The women must unite and demonstrate to the Republican party that they are determined and will not quietly fade away as the Republicans hope.

People of this country must stop the Republican attacks against women. Don't buy anything the Republicans like Charles Kirk or Donald Trump have to say. Most of the Republicans, which includes Donald Trump, think that most women should keep quiet.

When it comes to a woman's healthcare, it really is none of the government's business. This should be left to the woman, her immediate family, and their doctors.

We, the people of the United States, must come together to protect our democracy and all of our rights, or we will see all of our rights disappear forever.

Cedarwood and Bergamot

Capture the natural ambiance with this large, yellow soy wax-scented candle. Crafted with an assorted mix of non-toxic scents, this candle is perfect for any room in your house. With a burning time of over 5 hours and a width of 4 inches, it brings the natural aroma of cedarwood and bergamot, adding a touch of nature to your home decor.


Eucalyptus & Bergamot

Fresh pick of eucalyptus leaves with a hint of lime and a blend of bergamot, lemon, and tangerine, with touches of sweet anise and forest pine trees with a slight woody bed.


2 Pack Eden

Indulge in the captivating blend of blooming cherry blossoms, magnolia, and rose, complemented by hints of cherry, tonka bean, and sandalwood. The sweet lavender floral notes bring depth to this refreshing and airy fragrance.
