
All tasks consist of the detection of mental disorders in users based on their comments posted on Telegram. Given a history of messages about a user, the goal is to identify whether the user suffers from the disorder or not and the context that influences the mental health problem.


Task 1. Disorder detection

Multiclass classification

Detect if the user suffers from depression or anxiety, or if there is no detected disorder at all. This is a multiclass task with three possible labels: depression, anxiety or none. Let’s see some examples:

Note: There may be users who present in their messages symptoms of anxiety and depression, however there is one more predominant than the other which is the one to be indicated.

Task 2. Context detection

Two-level multiclass

Same as Task 1 but adding, in the case a mental problem is detected, which is the context where the problem seems to come from. Available contexts are: Addiction context as "addiction", Emergency context as "emergency", Family context as "family", Work context as "work", Social context as "social" and Other context as "other". If no context is detected, "none" is sent. Contexts are only necessary in case the subject is predicted with depression or anxiety.

 Let’s see some examples:

Note: There may be users who present in their messages symptoms of anxiety and depression, however there is one more predominant than the other which is the one to be indicated.

Note: Only contexts sent with the firts positive prediction of a subject are evaluated due to the aim of the task which is early detection.

Task 3. Suicidal ideation detection

Binary classification

Detect if the user is manifesting symptoms of potential suicidal ideation. Labels will be 0 for “control” (negative, the user does not suffer from potential suicidal ideation) or 1 for “suffer” (positive). Let’s see some examples:

Note: Only test data is provided for this task, so participants will have to train their systems with their own or external data.