Important dates

Feb 16th

Release of trial corpora
(trial server available)

Mar 16th

Release of training corpora

May 1st

Registration closed

May 10th

Release of test corpora and start of the evaluation campaign
(test server available and trial submissions closed)

May 18th

May 23th

End of evaluation campaign (deadline for submission of runs)

May 26th

May 30th

Publication of official results and release of test gold labels

Jun 13th

Jun 16th

Deadline for paper submission

Jun 23rd

Acceptance notification

Jun 30th

Camera-ready submission deadline

Sep, TBD

Publication of proceedings

Sep, 26th

IberLEF Workshop (SEPLN 2023)

Note: All deadlines are 11:59PM UTC-12:00

26 September 2023
Workshop with SEPLN 2023

Jaén (Spain)