Press Release


This site has all the info you need to come celebrate with us for the weekend in Washington.


The meet cute(s)

By Courtney

November: Cute boy tells me he likes my jacket while wearing a nearly identical one.

December: Said boy and I run into each other often in the mornings at the coffee shop. We never speak, but smile when we walk by each other. 

January: Same cute boy holds the door open for me while I come into the coffee shop from the parking lot. He holds it open super early while I'm still at my car, so I run to (unsuccessfully) make it less awkward. 

April (my birthday): I send my friend over to make an introduction to the "cute guy in a blue shirt who I see around all the time." Jason does his best to woo me, then invites me and my friends to celebrate my birthday with his friends.

Later April: Quickly after the first, we go on a hike for our second date a hike.

The rest, as they say, is history (or herstory).

The Proposal

By Jason

Planning a surprise proposal for somebody who doesn’t like surprises poses a set of unique challenges. I knew she needed to have her family around (dog included), and it had to be at the cabin.

Courtney and I took a walk down the beach where I used my prepared bullet points to nail the proposal. Just as I got down on one knee, my brother’s drone caught the footage from above. She said yes (nailed it!), and we celebrated with our family over a feast of crab, champagne, and homemade pie.

Thanks to Weiss Photo & Film and Carson Hancock Photography for the photos