Blog On How Any Man Can Attract Any Woman

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How to Maintain Relationship

This Page is a Blog that teaches any Man how to attract any Woman he wants. He will gain confidence by knowing the right ways to attract that special Woman.

Many men don't know how to approach women the right way. They fumble when they get close to them and don't know what to say. This Blog will help you know what to say. First off don't bring up Sports. Just be genuine when you speak to her. Introduce yourself and ask her what her name is. Women can pickup on a guy who's "full of it". If you like telling jokes make a joke (nothing tacky or rude). Make her laugh and break the ice. A lot of women like a good joke. Right after you make her laugh compliment her. That will catch her off guard. She probably would not be expecting that. You have to be very attentive. Be aware of her clothes, jewelry, eyes, perfume or just her natural beauty but don't be pushy with it. Say it with confidence and a smile but not like your trying to convince her. This is not a war. Be cool my friend.

Confidence is always required. Mentally think that she already likes you but is waiting for you say the right thing. Check her body language. Remember verbal communication is only around 7 Percent and Non verbal communication is 93 Percent. If she is not watching your eyes or from her eyes you sense coldness you probably are not saying the right things. You either have to switch up your game or leave her alone. Sometimes its better to walk away to fight another day. Now if you decide to stay in the game then change your approach. Remember what they say. Its easier to catch flies with honey than with vinegar.




So at this point you can probably deduce that she is not married and she probably does not have a boyfriend because that would have come up by now but do not assume. And for Pete's sake don't ask her. That is the fastest way to end the conversation. Think about it she can be free as a bird but because you did not do or say the correct thing she took the obvious out and fibbed to you that "yeah I have a man." Her problem is solved and your at home by yourself on a Friday night again. Your end game is to either get her phone number, email or to give her your phone number or email.

Now if you play your cards right and she likes talking to you pay attention to her. Remember what got you to the dance. Probably that was making her laugh so slip another joke in. Make her eyes light up again. Now don't blow it. Ask her for her number but ask for it with confidence my friend. You can tell her that you would love to see her again soon. That her smile just made your day and that you would love to go out for a coffee with her whenever she has free time. Now you are not begging. In your mind you have already agreed that she likes you but she is waiting for you to say the right thing. She may give it to you with a little hesitance but she gave it to you. You did it.

The other side of the coin is that she does not give it to you. That's okay its not over. The key to attract any woman is "Confidence". Do not confuse arrogance with confidence. Arrogance is and never been an aphrodisiac. Arrogance is an overestimation of ones worth or value. There is nobody out there that knows everything. We all are good at something but mistaking our ability with omnipotence is folly. Women do not like arrogance and even if some "believe they do" eventually they will grow tired of it but that is if their significant other who thinks he can literally fly has not already fooled another female victim and she has become just another notch on the belt.

Confidence on the other hand never has to walk around with a bull horn. Its spotted immediately without saying a word. It's allowed in every venue and accepted by all. Women can sense it and want to know more. So with confidence you give her your Business Card. Yes you heard me correctly. Always keep Business Cards. Make sure you have your email address on there as well as your number. Your killing two birds with one stone. #1 You are giving her your Contact information as well as others ( You never know she may truly need your Services and you have a legit reason to see her again) and #2 you are growing your Business one Card at a time.

Though never ever abuse your position just to meet a woman and that is where having confidence in yourself will keep you on the straight and narrow. Basically don't be a jerk. Be a stand up guy. So back to the positive and she gave you her number. Awesome your on the right path. Now some guys would say to themselves "I won't call her right away. I don't want to seem desperate."

That is the completely wrong avenue. Think about it. You and her had a great time talking and getting to know each other. You made her laugh. You both enjoyed each others company; all pluses. So why would you want to throw sugar in the gas tank? This is the time to be confident. Not pushy. It's not a rule but if you met her in the day between 8am and 9pm call her that night before before 12am to let her know that it was really nice to meet her that day. She has 3 options. Option #1 She can answer the call and you both can talk through the night. or . Option#2 She can answer the call but only talk for a short while and schedule a call for the next night depending on both of your schedules. Or option #3 She can not answer because she is busy or her phone is off or any other logical reason.

If you met her at a club or bar or anytime after 12am don't call her the same night but call her later that day before 12 am of the same day.

Regardless call her. Don't let her slip away. You were attracted to her and you took the plunge and stepped your game up and got her number. Now don't slack.

When you are given the chance to meet her again treat her with kindness and respect. Every woman wants to be treated like she is special and she is special so don't ever become complacent. It's like winning the Lottery. She chose you instead of many other guys in your area so it is akin to winning the Lottery. The last thing you want to do is become arrogant and complacent. Open the door for her, listen to her attentively. If you notice that something is important to her make it important to you. Be genuine .

A lot of guys will think this is cheesy but it will score you major points. Before you are to meet again buy her 1 red Rose. Surprise her with it when you meet her for the second time. Be confident and give it to her. While giving it to her tell her "you were thinking about her and that you hope she likes it.." I highly doubt that she will tell you that she doesn't want it. Many women love flowers and believe me you will score major points with her. Open her chair, offer to pay for the beverages, open her door. Who says chivalry is dead.

You see most guys would say that is silly but who's opinion do you care more of? Another man or your soon to be girlfriend? I'll side with my girlfriend 10 out of 10 times.

In the end your goal is to be with that woman and it does not matter how beautiful the woman is. You can get her. There are no limits to you. Do these things and always do them with confidence and always treat her with respect. You may not have Brad Pitt looks or Warren Buffet money but what you do have is confidence and my friend the sky is the limit. when you have confidence.

Go get em Tiger.

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Avoiding Arguments With Your Significant Other

Now lets be honest it's impossible to avoid disagreements. There is no relationship that does not have disagreements even verbal fights. The key is to have fewer arguments and also how to deescalate heated arguments. There are many ways to do this. I'll give you some ideas in a bit. Think about every time you've had an argument with your significant other and what has been most of the reasons? In this Episode we will cover 5 reasons for arguments between couples.

.Lack of Communication





(1) Lack of Communication

Communication is key to any succesful interaction. Lack of good communication in a relationship can drive you and your better half to separation. In spite of the fact that it sounds outrageous, absence of good communication can deliver struggles that may harm your relationship. When there is an absence of communication, you put your relationship in danger of rearing uncertainty and weakness and will end your relationship eventually.

(2) Money

Money problems in a relationship causes pressure and struggles in around 33% of all couples routinely. That pressure, on the off chance that it endures sufficiently long, may convert into intense issues influencing your relationship, eventually prompting divorce or a split if contrasts can't be worked out in a productive manner. Dont let money problems break up your healthy relationship. Your partner is your partner and not your opposition. You both should work together and trust each other with your finances as one organism one force.

(3) Jealousy

Jealousy by and large alludes to the contemplations or emotions of uncertainty, dread, and worry over an overall absence of assets or wellbeing. A Lack of self assurance. Jealousy can comprise of at least one of these feelings like indignation, hatred, deficiency of belief ones self worth or defenselessness. In its unique importance, desire is unmistakable from jealousy, however the two terms have prevalently been seen as equivalent in the English language, with desire presently likewise taking on the definition initially used for Jealousy.

The emotion of jealousy has even been seen amongst children. So that means that when you act jealous against someone you are acting like a child. It sounds funny but its true. When you harbor that negative emotion it can only breed problems especially when you direct it to your significant other. Example your girlfriend gets a phone call have you ever found yourself trying to covertly listen in to her conversation? If you have that is jealousy. If a man courteously compliments your girlfriend or wife do you automatically want to knock out his teeth? That is jealousy. The next move you do can cost you a relationship if you are a jealous man. Do not let your insecurities end a great relationship. You may unfortunately respond in a way that puts you in the dog house or even worse ends the relationship.

A jealous person usually doesn't even know that they are showing the "green eyed monster" called jealousy. Your mate knows that you are jealous but even when she repeatedly warns you that you are way too jealous you laugh it off but jealousy is not a laughing matter. Trust your partner. Jealousy has no place in a healthy relationship.

(4) Intimacy

Fear of closeness can altogether affect your life, especially in a heartfelt connection. Examinations shows that fear of intimacy issues can contrarily influence the nature of a relationship. Dread of closeness may make one retain friendship or set up hindrances to passionate or sexual love. The fear of closeness, additionally here and there alluded to as closeness aversion or evasion tension, is portrayed as the dread of sharing a nearby enthusiastic or actual relationship. Individuals who experience this fear don't as a rule wish to stay away from closeness, and may even ache for closeness, however habitually drive others away. Be strong and open up to your partner it will make you both even closer.

(5) Possessive

If taken excessively far, possessiveness can turn into a difficult issue that starts other relationship issues. Among them incorporate desire, misuse, lack of confidence, trust issues. Possessive individuals stress that their accomplices will leave them. This makes sensations of dread, outrage, and bitterness. Perhaps you've been undermined or misled previously, however this is an entirely new relationship. Try not to let the previous relationship ruin what you have going for you now. Your significant other is an innocent individual in comparison to your ex, and merits a new beginning. Also you'll feel good in the event that you let the past stay as the past. You can't transform whatever's now occurred, so discharge the previous hurt and focus on this new and amazing relationship you're now in.

Follow these rules and you'll be on your way to a great and healthy relationship. Enjoy these kernels of Wisdom.

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