Men's clinic near me Polokwane

What is Men's clinic?

A Men's clinic is a place in which male outpatients are given medical treatment or advice about sexual issues or problems, often connected to a hospital. 2. a similar place staffed by physicians or surgeons specializing in one or more specific areas. Men's Clinic offers male sexual health services which include Weak Erection, Early Ejaculation, Low Libido, Penis enlargement, Fertility & Sperm Count. We also offer penis enlargement products i.e penis enlargement pills, penis enlargement gel, penis enlargement oil & penis enlargement cream.

The Male Clinic is a multidisciplinary clinic dedicated to men's health conditions with a focus on physical and mental sexual health.

What do men's clinics do?

Men's health clinics often focus on issues like low testosterone, an enlarged prostate, prostate cancer and erectile dysfunction. But men may have other health problems too. So be sure to ask about the types of services available and if they offer referrals.

When should a man see a urologist?


Men are encouraged to see a urologist for a checkup especially around the age of 50, although many are suggesting going sooner, around the age of 40. Going sooner rather than later is the key, especially if you are noticing certain health issues.

What does a urologist do on the first visit?

The doctor will perform a male genitourinary exam during your first appointment. That is a complete examination of the urinary tract region. The physician will perform a genital exam and a digital rectal exam to explore the prostate. The urologist may evaluate other areas as well.

What do urologist do for males?

They are physicians who specialize in the genitourinary tract—the kidneys, urinary bladder, adrenal glands, urethra and male reproductive organs—and male fertility. Urologists are also trained in the surgical and medical treatment of diseases that affect these organs

Do urologists treat STDS?

All of the emergency physicians and most urologists (85%) administer empiric STD medication based on their historical and physical findings prior to culture results. This differs from 62% of ob/gyn physicians who wait on a positive culture prior to instituting treatment.

How does Ed affect the body?

Having erectile dysfunction increases the risk of cardiovascular disease to a similar degree as smoking or a family history of heart attack or dyslipidaemia (abnormalities of blood lipids such as cholesterol), which are considered major risk factors for cardiovascular disorders.

At what age do guys have trouble getting hard?

About a quarter of men said that erection problems started between age 50 and 59, and 40% said they started between age 60 and 69. Having chronic diseases and other risk factors matter with respect to ED, too.

What do they do in men's clinic?

A good men's health clinic will offer all treatments such as oral pills like Viagra or Cialis, penile injections, vacuum erection device, intra-urethral pellets or penile implants. They may offer shockwave therapy or other therapies but clarify that it is considered experimental.

Weak Erection Treatment Options

There are many weak erection treatment options available, depending upon the cause of weak erections. Weak erections are also known as impotence or erectile dysfunction.If psychological impotence is the problem, a physician may recommend a qualified psychologist or counselor. Counseling can be successful, particularly when both partners participate and talk openly about the problem. Some doctors recommend special exercises which emphasize tenderness and enjoyment rather than performance. Some cases require stress management exercises. The impotence may disappear when the partners learn that physical impotence is not the cause…Medication can sometimes treat impotence caused by hormonal imbalance. Drugs taken for other conditions can cause impotence. If so, your doctor may be able to prescribe an alternative drug. It is important not to reduce or change any medication without first obtaining permission from your physician.In men with diabetes, poor blood sugar control may contribute to or increase the risk of impotence. Because of this, diet, medication and exercise are very important.Impotence that results from permanent damage to the blood vessels or nerves can also be treated. Options include vacuum devices, injection therapy, vascular surgery or a penile implant.Currently, there are a number of options that have proven to be appropriate treatments for impotence. Your doctor can help you select the best course of treatment from among the following:

Professional Counselling

Because impotence can sometimes result from a combination of psychological and physical factors, counseling may help reduce anxiety and overcome the condition. The doctor may reccomend counselling in combination with other treatments.

Hormone Treatments

Abnormal levels of sex hormones like testosterone, prolactin, and estrogen cause a small percentage of impotence cases. There are medications that can restore this balance.

Vacuum Devices

Firstly the penis is placed in a hollow plastic chamber. Secondly air is pumped out of the chamber. This creates a vacuum, which draws blood into the penis to cause an erection. Thirdly a firm rubber band is then transferred from outside of the chamber to the base of the penis. Finally the blood remains trapped in the penis.Unfortunately, the penis is only rigid beyond the band, resulting in a ‘floppy’ erection, which tends to hang downwards. The rubber band can stop ejaculation. In addition it usually it becomes uncomfortable after 20 to 30 minutes.Vacuum erection devices avoid surgery. They are inexpensive. Vacuum erection devices are unpopular because the rubber band is unsightly and the devices are so mechanical and cumbersome. For many people they take much of the pleasure away from sexual activities

Injection Therapy

Self-injection techniques have been successfully used for over 15 years in tens of thousands of men with erectile dysfunction. Mens Clinic International currently uses a combination of medicines, which combine to work as a low volume, safe and effective treatment. Over 90% of cases respond to this form of therapy. The injection technique has now become extremely simple and convenient thanks to new automatic injector devices. People are often concerned about the loss of spontaneity with having to inject themselves just prior to intercourse. However, by using the automatic injection device it is no more of a detraction from the mood then rolling on a condom. The medication dilates the blood vessels of the penis thereby increasing blood flow into the penis and causing an erection. The erection usually develops 5 to 20 minutes after injecting and often remains for a period of time after you have ejaculated. Adjusting the proportions and quantities of the various medicines achieves this. There are no known side effects on the rest of the body

Transurethral Suppositories

This treatment involves the insertion of a hollow plastic applicator, which contains a suppository of the drug alprostadil (dose range of 125 mcg to 1,000 mcg), about 1 inch into the urethra of the penis. The surrounding tissue absorbs the alprostadil. The corpus spongiosum is the name for the surrounding tissue. Alprostadil relaxes the smooth muscle within the penis. This action allows blood to enter and become trapped in the penis causing an erection.

Oral medication

Viagra was the first oral medication for erectile dysfunction. Men of all ages may take it, usually one hour before intercourse.Levitra works rapidly, between 16 and 25 minutes and is also effective in most men presenting with erectile dysfunction.Cialis is the first tablet that could restore the ability to get an erection for a longer period, thus freeing the patient from the constraints of having to plan sexual activity.Increased bloodflow to the penis causes the erection. These tablets act by relaxing the smooth muscle in the penis, which in turn allows the blood to flow into the penis more freely, thereby inducing an erection.Men taking medications containing nitrates, usually prescribed for heart problems such as Angina can not use these tablets, as it could cause a sudden drop in blood pressure. The same is true for men using recreational drugs e.g. “Poppers”.Common side effects experienced are headaches and flushing of the skin and less commonly a blocked nose, indigestion, visual disturbances and a prolonged erection.Unlike self-injection therapy, which gives a spontaneous erection, you will need sexual stimulation for these tablets to work. Alcohol or a heavy meal will impair the effect. It does not work for premature ejaculation and will be effective in about 50% of erectile dysfunction cases.


Patients with blood-flow problems may require surgery. Injuries of the pelvic area cause blood flow problems. Vascular blockages can also cause erectile dysfunction. Surgery is used to treat these blockages.

Premature Ejaculation or Early Ejaculation


Premature ejaculation is simply defined as “ejaculation occurring before the individual wishes it”. The condition can be temporary in inexperienced men, adolescents and men who are too highly excited. This includes men who have abstained from sex for a long time. The Hite report on Male Sexuality surveyed over seven thousand men and found that 21% ejaculated within 50-60 seconds. Another 62% ejaculated within 1-5 minutes. Only 1 in 6 men lasted over 5 minutes and 1 in 10 over 10 minutes.There is no difference between nations and races, and no difference between circumcised and those men with foreskins. Most men will last longer if they have sex again a little while later. It can take a man anything from several minutes to several hours to get another erection. In books and movies the male heroes have sex for hours on end. In real life such men are the minority.

Causes of premature ejaculation

Physical and psychological factors can cause premature ejaculation.

Physical causes of premature ejaculation

Premature ejaculation has been linked to many physical causes. There are very few medical reasons for premature ejaculation. In the early 1990’s, research indicated that the pelvic muscles, specifically the muscles that surround the erectile bodies in the penis, are in a hyperactive state in men with premature ejaculation. Further, it is known that during the ejaculation process there is increased activity of these same muscle groups. Consequently, it is likely that men who have premature ejaculation have hyperactive muscles that are already on their way toward the threshold to producing ejaculations.Recent studies have also shown that infection of the prostate can also cause premature ejaculation.

Psychological causes of premature ejaculation

For the majority of men with premature ejaculation, the origin is psychological. It may stem from a first sexual experience. There is an enormous of pressure to perform and premature ejaculation occurs. This can cause a feeling of inadequacy that can manifest again as performance anxiety and cause the problem to escalate. This may result in years of feeling inadequate and frustrated. Some men go through their whole lives never really experiencing control of their ejaculation.

Treating premature ejaculation

Various urban legends exist that claim to treat or cure premature ejaculation. Generally speaking these techniques do not work. Getting drunk, using one or more condoms, concentrating on something other than sex while having sex, biting one’s cheek as a distraction and frequent masturbation are examples of such treatments. One must bear in mind that premature ejaculation is a treatable condition even though it seems to most men to be a huge problem. Various proven techniques exist for treating premature ejaculation.



Mens Clinic International developed the penis prosperity plan. This plan is a lifestyle adaptation program. It addresses many of the causative factors for weak erections in men. It is possible to extend the normal sexual life of any male by years, if not decades. This can be achieved by adhering to the basic elements of our penis prosperity plan. The programme focusses on lifestyle, diet and sexual adaptations. These are aimed at reducing the risk factors for the development of erectile dysfunction in male patients. The plan is based around simple, easy to understand statements that encapsulate the elements of the plan.

Use it or lose it.

The penis, like any other organ in the body depends on an adequate and sustained blood supply. This is necessary to maintain the integrity of its tissues. The process of an erection provides the maximum blood flow to the penis. An erection brings large amounts of oxygen and nutrients to the tissues of the penis. As such the connective tissue of the penis as well as the walls of the blood vessels which supply the penis are optimally nourished and maintained. Waste products of cellular metabolism are removed.

Regular (safe) sexual activity therefore, is obviously an important part of the penis prosperity plan. In addition, an improved sleeping pattern is also very important. A good night’s sleep implies that one would experience a greater number of nighttime erections. In addition sleep also recharges the batteries of the body. This provides more energy for an active sexual life.

Erections therefore are good for the penis. More erections mean more oxygen, nutrients and blood flow to the penis. Over time this prevents tissue damage, and shrinkage of the organ.

Eat smart: antioxidants, chromium, monosaturated fats, moderated alcohol.


Like any blood vessel in the body, arteries of the penis are affected by what we eat. Keeping arteries clear and healthy is therefore a particularly important part of the penis prosperity programme. There is a strong link between high HDL (“good”) cholesterol levels and a low incidence of erectile problems. It is essential therefore, to reduce the amount of saturated and polyunsaturated fat in your diet. Monounsaturated fat, can actually lower overall cholesterol levels while keeping the good cholesterol high.


While keeping your total intake of fat under 30 percent of your total calories, try substituting monounsaturated fats, found in olive oil, nuts and avocado pear, for saturated fats, found in butter, meats and many processed foods. Magnesium and anti-oxident vitamins, like vitamins C and A, may have a protective effect against vascular disease. The best natural source for this blood vessel healthy combination of anti-oxidants is found in leafy green vegetables like spinach and cabbage, and also broccoli and cauliflower. Toss a few leaves of spinach on your tuna sandwich in place of lettuce, or make your salad using spinach and dandelion greens.


Metabolise your sugars better. Chromium, a trace mineral scarce in foods, works hand-in-hand with insulin to keep your blood sugar levels stable. This may help prevent the development of adult-onset diabetes, which is one of the biggest risk factors for erectile problems. As chromium is scanty in the daily diet of most people, chromium supplements, (preferably of 200 micrograms a day) as found in many multivitamin supplements are required. Alcohol in moderation is a vasodilator – it opens up blood vessels – and is therefore good for penile blood flow. It also relaxes the body and makes it more receptive to meaningful and effective sexual activity. Too much alcohol, however, is toxic to the body, and by affecting the liver, nerves, vitamin status and testes, it may cause impotence as well as a host of other health problems.

Train smart: get lean, get aerobic exercise.

Obesity is one of the most significant factor for developing adult onset diabetes, which in turn is associated with erectile dysfunction. In addition the diet associated with achieving an overweight state is very often blood vessel unfriendly. Those few extra kilograms also play a significant role in creating a high blood pressure as well as heart disease.With all these conditions linked positively to erectile difficulties, it only makes sense to drop any extra kilograms you may be carrying. In addition, a training regimen based around fat burning and increasing lean body weight, by building muscle, is an essential part of a long term penis prosperity plan. Aerobic exercise is also an essential part of this part of the plan. Anything that gets your heart rate up brings your risk of developing diabetes down in two ways: Activity burns calories and so fights obesity, and elevating your heart rate will help your body process sugars more efficiently. A lean body is also a sexier body.

Healthy mind: Ditch the blues, don’t stress, assert yourself.

A negative mindset can have disastrous implications for your sexual well being. Not only does depression destroy libido, but chronic frustration and anger have also been associated with an increased risk of erectile problems. Stress in any form releases stress hormones, like adrenaline, which acts on the blood vessels to the penis, constricting them, and thus decreasing the potential to achieve an erection. Long term stress also increases the risk of high blood pressure, which can damage the arteries to the penis and create long term erectile problems. It is easy to see how a “vicious cycle” of depression -> erection problems -> frustration -> anger -> further depression can become established in a man’s life.Maintaining a generally positive mental attitude and asserting yourself in a creative and positive fashion, makes you feel good about your abilities, helps depression, and keeps you positive about life in general. Speak your mind, and engage people in constructive debate about issues you don’t agree, or are uncomfortable with. If you feel that the whims of others are dictating your life and lifestyle, don’t sit passively by. Take charge and control of those issues which you can influence. Don’t let your unsubstantiated fear of rejection ultimately turn you into a sexual cripple. Avoiding or breaking the vicious cycle must be a proactive and forceful part of a man’s mental health programme.

Check your meds: medicine side effects.

The side effects of so many medicines can cause erection problems, particularly in older men. Some of the biggest culprits are antihypertensives, antidepressants, ulcer medications and antihistamines. One of the biggest causes of erection problems could therefore be lurking just behind your bathroom mirror. Remember though, never to stop taking your medication without the permission of your doctor.

Mens Clinic International deals with any sexual problems that are related to Weak Erections, Early Ejaculation, Low Libido, STIs or Circumcision. Do get in touch with us to book a consultation with our professional doctors who specialise in Men’s Sexual Health.

Contact us now to find out more about Mens Clinic prices and the penis prosperity plan. Or click here to book an appointment with one of our friendly doctors in your area.To read more about weak erections, click here.

How does the men's Clinic treat ED?

Ejaculation problems can also be treated at a men's health clinic. A good men's health clinic will offer all treatments such as oral pills like Viagra or Cialis, penile injections, vacuum erection device, intra-urethral pellets or penile implants.

Can doctors fix erectile dysfunction?

So erectile dysfunction can be cured, but it depends on the cause. Some causes of ED are easier to “cure” than others. But, with the right diagnosis, support, and treatment, it's possible for ED to go away without the need for ED medications like Viagra (sildenafil) or Cialis (Tadalafil).

Can I get penis enlargement at Men's Clinic?

Men's Clinic offers male sexual health services which include Weak Erection, Early Ejaculation, Low Libido, Fertility & Sperm Count. We also offer penis enlargement products i.e penis enlargement pills, penis enlargement gel, penis enlargement oil & penis enlargement cream.


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What do they do in the men's clinic?

A good men's health clinic will offer all treatments such as oral pills like Viagra or Cialis, penile injections, vacuum erection device, intra-urethral pellets or penile implants. They may offer shockwave therapy or other therapies but clarify that it is considered experimental.

Low Libido or Low Sex Drive

Low libido can loosely be defined as a lack of sexual desire. Low sex drive for an individual is a very personal issue and depends on many variables including age. It is the second most common sexual dysfunction in men after premature ejaculation. A recent issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association reported this. The loss of sexual appetite is also very difficult for men to discuss. However, there is help available from health professionals such as Mens Clinic International.

The difference between weak erections or impotence and low libido

It is important to note that impotence and loss of libido are two separate issues. Impotence refers to the inability of a man to achieve or maintain an erection for satisfactory sexual intercourse. Low libido is a lack of desire. In other words a man suffering from low libido is able to achieve and maintain an erection but does not have the desire to do so. However, men who experience impotence, initially retain the desire for sexual intercourse but start to avoid intercourse to save them from the embarrassment of not being able to perform satisfactorily.

Causes of low libido:

There are two broad categories of causes. The categories are physical and psychological.

Physical causes

Any medical problem or chronic physical condition can cause a reduction in one’s sex drive. Sex may be the furthest thing from his mind when a man is diagnosed with cancer. Even minor illnesses can diminish a man’s sexual interest. Conversely, when men improve their health — through exercise, a low-fat diet or, if necessary, medical treatment — their libido is likely to increase.Conditions such as thyroid disease can cause low libido. Tumors of the pituitary gland (which controls most hormone production, including sex hormones) and depression are also causes.Similarly, insufficient amounts of the male sex hormone testosterone may cause low libido, though such a condition is unlikely to affect erectile function.Certain prescription medications and other drugs can also decrease your sex drive. Many, though not all, antidepressants can diminish sex drive. Other medications with this side effect include tranquilizers and antihypertensive medications. Illicit drugs, such as heroin, cocaine and marijuana, when used heavily and chronically, may lower libido.

Psychological causes

Any kind of stress — whether related to work, relationships or any other area of life — that preoccupies someone is going to diminish that person’s sex drive. For a healthy sex drive a man has to be engaged in the moment. For example if you’re having shouting matches with your partner, your libido is nearly certain to take a nosedive. Sex drive will return to baseline levels once you resolve your differences.Some problems, however, such as depression or anxiety, intense job stress, family worries, serious marital conflicts, experiences of past abuse or conflicts about sexual orientation may require professional assistance. It is essential to seek such help if negative feelings interfere with the rest of life, if they are overwhelming, or if you are no longer able to experience pleasure.

Treatment options for low libido

Depending on the cause there are various treatment options are available to assist patients suffering from this problem.

  • Physical causes: Generally speaking the treatment of the underlying physical condition will alleviate low sex drive for patients suffering from physically induced low libido. For example if the patients loss of libido is attributable to a decrease in the level of testosterone in the body going on to a course of hormone replacement therapy will assist with this problem. Certain prescription medication causes the loss of libido The patient should consult with his doctor about the possibility of swapping the medication with a similar one that does not have the side effect of loss of libido.

  • Psychological causes: Psychologically based low libido is generally treated with a combination of counselling and lifestyle modification. The duration of the treatment is dependent on the severity of the problem.

Finally, it is important that men suffering from low libido consult a physician bearing in mind it is sometimes the only recognisable symptom of a serious medical problem.Men's Clinic International deals with any sexual problems that are related to Weak Erections, Early Ejaculation, Low Libido, STIs or Circumcision. Do get in touch with us to book a consultation with our professional doctors who specialise in Men’s Sexual Health.Contact us now to find out more about Men's Clinic prices and the effects of low libido. Or click here to book an appointment with one of our friendly doctors in your area.To read more about low libido, click here.

Men's clinic medication Treatment Prices

Men's Health Clinic consultation fee starts from R550. Call to confirm if not sure. Mens Clinic Enlargement Products. Mens Health Clinic we use natural penis medication.

#1 What you need to know before you search “Men’s Clinic Near Me

The word Men’s Clinic is usually code for testosterone replacement therapy clinics. Sorry industry but we’re calling you out, well us too. See in the industry there is a stigma about calling yourself a Testosterone clinic, the industry is heavily regulated and is often filled with scammers and people trying to make a quick buck. This doesn’t mean every clinic near you is like this, in fact there are many clinics where the staff are very helpful, excited to talk to you and share their knowledge, but not all. Our recommendation is to call and shop around, not only for pricing but which clinic is going to give you the best information and care. The key is the staff, most doctors really depend on their staff to start the process of bloodwork and scheduling, so if the staff is rude you can bet that the doctor will be very similar. Ask a lot of questions, that’s what they are there for.

Finding the right treatment: Testosterone replacement therapy, Erectile dysfunction or PE Treatment

Ok, so let’s talk about the right treatment. There are many forms of treatment to treat hormone, sex drive, weight loss, low energy and sleep issues. But they might not all be the right one for you. Research online the different treatments before you come into a clinic, know the basics of what you might need, it will pay off when the doctor suggests something for you. Price has a big factor in treatment, treatment can cost $185-300 per month, and if it’s more or less… RUN! If it’s cheaper you could be getting an inferior product and if it’s more you could be paying a newbie/luxury tax.

What you need to do before the appointment

When you come to the clinic prepare for bloodwork, it’s a must and any clinic willing to give you a treatment without your bloodwork is a scam and don’t care about you, seriously! Please don’t take any ED medication (Viagra, Cialis, Levitra, etc.) or supplements for ED 24 hours before your appointment, these could affect the results. Don’t use marijuana or other or other recreational drugs such as (cocaine, heroin, or ecstasy) for 36-hours prior to your visit.

What you need to bring to the men’s clinic

Its very common to have your bloodwork done a day or week before your consultation with the doctor so if they say you have to see an MA or Phlebotomist before you meet the doctor this is completely normal. In this situation bring your medical information and medications to the next appointment for the doctor to see. Obviously bring a photo ID, Form of payment, and lots of questions, the doctor and staff will have all the answers for you. The clinic should take between 45 min – 90 Min total, wait time and all.

What to expect after your appointment

Now for the exciting part! Depending on the treatment the doctor prescribes you will be able to take your treatment home immediately like ED or PE treatments. In the case of Testosterone Replacement Therapy, you will need to wait 1-2 weeks. Why? Because any clinic offering quality medication will need to order it from a pharmacy “fresh” a common way scammy Men’s Clinics will save some money is they will keep medications past their true expiration date and these prescriptions will lose their potency. Be patient it will be well worth it!

Results from your treatments

The results can vary but the most common will be increased sex drive, recovery from workouts, weight loss, mental clarity, bone density, better sleep and a whole lot more! These result vary depending on the treatment. How long till I see these results, well it really depends on where your levels were initially and your age. If you are younger and your levels are in the low 400 range you should feel results in a week or two but if you are 50 and range of 100 it might be 3 months. Our best recommendation is to talk to a doctor for more details based on your own biology

Men's clinics - just what men want

South African men don’t seek medical attention from clinics because they don’t want to be treated by women.

This comes from the research conducted by Anova Health Institute which recently opened the fifth men’s medical centre in Riverpark, Alexandra.

“Men don’t want to wait in queues and they don’t feel comfortable being treated by young female nurses; remember 80 to 90% of nurses are women,” said Charlotte Modibedi, the technical advisor for the Health For Men project.Modibedi said the first centre was opened in Cape Town in 2008 to try and curtail the crisis of men not seeking medical care for a wide range of issues such as erectile dysfunction, HIV/Aids, STIs and prostate cancer.

In Johannesburg, there are currently five clinics, including the new one that was launched in August: Yeoville, Riverpark, Chiawelo, Zola and Itireleng. These clinics are part of the main clinic which services the community.

Men's clinic have got branches allover south Africa and in all provinces like pretoria, Johannesburg, durban, cape town, secunda, kokstad, polokwane, rustenburg, sandton, sunninghill, welkom, windhoek, carletonville, mamelodi, hammanskraal, soshanguve, mabopane, sunnyside, lynnwood, hatfield, atteridgeville, centurion, Bloemfontein, gaborone, witbank, brits, cullinan, vereeniging, potchefstroom, belabela, menlyn, benoni, midrand, randburg, mafikeng, soweto, Alexandra, gauteng, limpopo, north west, bellville, south Africa