MOOC: introduction Urban AI and smart cities in Africa

This project is within the framework of the African Cities Lab project. African Cities Lab is a joint initiative led by EPFL, the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (Ghana), the Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (Maroc), Sèmè City campus (Benin), the University of Carthage (Tunisia), the University of Cape Town (South Africa), and the University of Rwanda to contribute to sustainable urban development on the continent. The initiative, funded by the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), aims to create a digital education platform and its content on urban planning and urban development in Africa. The English-French bilingual ACL platform, will offer quality MOOCs and online training for professionals. It will also act as a forum for the exchange of digital educational resources and the management and governance of African cities

Role: Principle Investigator (PI)

Collaborator: Dr. Samah ElKhateeb (Co-PI)

Small Grant Scheme on Pandemics, Cities, Regions & Industry

Project on Berlin Housing During the Panademic

Role: Principle Investigator (PI)

Collaborator: Impact Circles e.V.

Smart City Startups Hub (SCSH)

As a part of the The African-European Digital Innovation Bridge Network (AEDIB|NET), Funded by EU Horizon 2020.

A project in collaboration with Dr. Samah El Khateeb, icealex, Ahmed Bastawy, and Impact Circles e.V. in Berlin.

Role: Consultant on Applied Research, Bringing Partners.

The Urban AI Cairo Charter

The Cairo Charter is a framework for social and environmental justice-driven AI in smart city planning and development in Cairo, across the African continent, and beyond.

The project is supported by the Human Social Sciences and Research Council and Facebook Research (META) in response to Ethics in AI Research Initiative for Africa request for proposals

Role: Project Initiator, Bringing Partners, Proposal Writer, Implementation, Computational urban planner

Collaberators: with Dr. Samah El Khateeb, Stephanie Sherman, Prof. Katrien Pype.

Connecting Urbanity: Stories and viewpoints from the Near-South

A collaborative project between the Berlin Institute of Technology (Technische Universität Berlin) and @Humboldt-Universität, funded by the @Berlin University Alliance. The project involves partners from North and South Africa, and is open to contributors worldwide.

Role: Project Initiator, Proposal Co-Writer, Implementation

Collaberators: Prof. Jörg Stollmann, Prof. Dr. Ignacio Farías, Dr. Indrawan Prabaharyaka, Dr. Shaimaa Abouelmagd

Towards Equitable Planning Curricula

The project is funded by TU Berlin’s internal seed funding scheme. We cooperate with partners from Egypt to discuss the potentials for justice-driven education curricula for future city planners. Partners include Ain Shams University, German University in Cairo, Misr International University, 10 Tooba, and TU Berlin Campus el Gouna.

Small Grants Program: Youth & Spatial Inequalities

Role: Individual Researcher