
My Research Statement

Mechanism Design with Non-Expected Utility

Revise and Resubmit at  American Economic Review

American Economic Review,  2023,  113 (10): 2581-2614 

      Review of Economic Studies , 2022, 89(5), 2630-2662

Mechanism Design with Endogenous Types


      Journal of Political Economy, 2021, 129(4) , 1011-1051

     (This paper combines material from Gershkov, Moldovanu and Strack  (2018) and from Zhang (2017) )

       International Review of Law and Economics,  2017, 52, 44-57 

Contest Theory

       Theoretical Economics,  2024, 19, 95–129 

      Games and Economic Behavior2023, 138, 90-111

Other Topics

       Journal of Economics & Management Strategy,  2019, 28(4), 631-655.