Algebraic Stacks

In Autumn 2021, I am organizing a Seminar on the Theory of Algebraic Stacks.

The meetings take place on Fridays at 15:00-17:00 , in seminar room J11 at Hicks.


Notes by the Speakers:

  1. Moduli Spaces and the Yoneda-Philosophy (Alberto Cobos- 15.10.2021)

  2. Categories Fibered in Groupoids(CFGs) (Yannik Schüler- 22.10.2021)

  3. Sites and Topoi (Yirui Xiong-29.10.2021)

  4. Descent Theory and Stacks- Exposé I (Menelaos- 05.11.2021)

  5. Descent Theory and Stacks- Exposé II (Menelaos- 19.11.2021)

  6. Algebraic Spaces and Algebraic Stacks (Reinder Meinsma - 26.11.2021)

  7. Root Construction and more (Cristina Manolache- 10.12.2021)

  8. Applications I - Sheaves on Stacks (Evgeny Shinder-17.12.2021)

  9. Applications II - Cohomology on Stacks (Ananyo Dan- 17.12.2021)

  10. Deformation Theory of Algebraic Stacks and Artin's Criterion (TBA)

Seminar Evaluation: