General Chemistry II lecture series

I created these videos for an 8-week General Chemistry II lecture course first offered at Eastern Illinois University in the summer of 2019 and again in the summer of 2020. In summer 2019, an online General Chemistry II lecture was, to my knowledge at the time, not very common. Post-COVID, not so much. In any event, since that time, many of these videos have been edited and updated. 

Some comments: 

1) The content was organized in such a way as to minimize the need for narration. In other words, if you run the video slide show (pausing where necessary) without listening to the narration, you will most likely be fine. This is especially true for example problems involving step-by-step algebraic solutions. Nevertheless, despite how dull the narrator sounds (I should know, I was there when I recorded the narration), you may occasionally find it helpful to turn up the volume to hear some audio explanations, especially in more detailed sections (i.e. acid-base titration curves, voltaic cells, ...). 

2) Please let me know (EIU email) if you find significant typos, calculation errors, or conceptual explanations that need refining (serious correspondence only).

For students, my sincere hope is that you find this material useful, especially at 2 AM when an assignment is due (or an exam is imminent) and you are Googling for help or when you suspect that ChatGPT might be screwing with you. 

For instructors, my sincere hope is that you find this material useful, especially at 2 AM when a lecture is needed the next morning and you are Googling for help, the slides provided by your textbook publisher are pathetically bland, or when you suspect that ChatGPT might be screwing with you. 

I do have plans to continue to expand on this project and will add to and update the material as I am able. The latest addition (as of 11/21/23) is an introduction to Michaelis-Menten enzyme kinetics (Kinetics - Lecture 6). 

Dr. Mark E. McGuire 

Professor Emeritus 

You can find the series as a YouTube playlist at: 

If you wish to send me correspondence, corrections, concerns related to this series, please contact me at my EIU email address.